Chapter 2: Special

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Sometimes we meet someone and feel like we have known them all our lives. -Avijeet Das

Chapter 2: Special

"You know better than that Nate." Nathan Senior said to his son as he took a seat next to him on his bed. "Look son.." He sighed. "They expect this behavior from black men. They expect you to not be able to make it in this life. You wanna be a drug dealer?" His dad asked

Nathan laughed, "Nah pops I ain't tryina have that many girls on me. I got enough as it is, I just hit 950k on instagram." Nathan said pulling up his instagram page showing his dad.

"Three hundred dollars for a promotion? What you promoting?" His dad asked him.

"I'm what you call social media famous. People like to know what I'm doin and the girls be on me. I get paid on here to model clothes and I get free gear. I drop youtube videos every second of the day, youtube pays me two million dollars a week to do that." He explained and his dad chuckled.

"You been with your sister too much." He shook his head.

"Her being my sister is what got me noticed she posted that picture of me her and some designer I care nothing about cause he trash and the girls went wild under them comments asking for my @ and you know I slid through with my lottery numbers." They both laughed. "Nah dad I feel you though, I make a lot of money thanks to Nat and I like doin it cause I can be me goofy and chill. It still would be great to go to college but only for the parties."

"Nathan." His dad said trying not to laugh.

"And academics of some sorts too." Nathan added and his dad busted out laughing.

"I love you kid, your mother's just worried about you. Don't do something you don't want to do because then you'll act a way and then that trait will follow you everywhere. You don't need to be known as the aggressive hot-head son that ain't a cool label to have." His dad explained, and Nathan nodded.

"It won't happen again dad." Nathan said meaning it.

"Thank you. I'm proud of you." That made Nathan smile no matter what he did he was never a disappointment to his family. He was accepted for everything and his creative space. They allowed him to spray paint whatever he wanted around the house. He was even allowed to renovate the house so that he could have an at home arcade, and extra garage space for his super hero lamborghini collection.

He loved his life and he was forever grateful to the family he was born in. Now it was his turn to show them that. "Me and your mom got us a hot date so I gotta go clean up yo mess." His dad said getting up, for some reason his heart dropped.


"Yeah son?" He stuck his head back in his son's room.

"I love you, mom and Natalie so much. Yall are great parents yall did everything right and I'm grateful."

"I love you too son, lights out school in the morning see you in the morning." He replied smiling.

"Nathan.." Jewels said placing her hand over his balled fist. "The bell rang 5 minutes ago are you okay?" She asked kneeling down resting her chin on his desk. He smiled unintentionally and she smiled weirdly.

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