Chapter 7: Killing Me Softly

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"Being a good person doesn't depend on your religion, your race or your skin color or your culture. It depends on how good is your heart and how good you treat others." -Anonymous

Chapter 7: Killing Me Softly

"Nigga don't touch my chocolate milk." Nathan said smacking Michael's hand.

"Bruh you know you don't want that shit." Michael reasoned reaching only to get his hand slapped again.

"Happy birthday baby." Shay said as she sat next to Nathan kissing his cheek.

"Thank you gorgeous." He replied

"I bought you stuff, come over after practice today?" She asked

"Yeah princess, aye Alex you starting tomorrow?" Nathan asked

"No coach said keep my math grade up for a week he always on my ass." Alex replied tossing a fry in his mouth.

"So I'm passing the ball to no traveling Travis?" He asked pointing to Travis making the whole table erupt in laughter.

"You ain't shit Nate!" Michael said as he continued laughing.

"Fuck you Nathan." Travis said not finding anything funny.

"Yo mama already did that why you think I call you my son boy?" Nathan joked adding to the laughter.

"Shay don't laugh bitch it ain't funny." Travis gritted in anger.

Before Nathan got here 5 months ago Shay and him were on and off. Before Nathan got here he was captain of the basketball team, he was the guy everyone wanted to be. So he disliked Nathan a lot and he made it clear. He was always rude to Nathan so Nathan started being rude back.

"Shay you think it's funny?" Travis asked with an evil smirk.

"Yeah, and don't say nothin else to her." Nathan spoke up seriously. Travis pulled his phone out, and ignored Nathan. Nathan put his arm over Shay's shoulder and placed a kiss on her forehead. He was starting to care a lot more about Shay, he was starting to become protective of her.

He still hadn't made things official yet, he didn't want to. At least not while he was still sleeping with Jewels. He wasn't going to be in a relationship if he was still fucking around. He didn't want to cheat, once he was in a relationship he wanted to be ready to give his all.

Nathan's phone made a sound, and then one by one everyone elses phone made the same sound. Nathan picked his phone up going to the instagram notification he was tagged in. His fist balled the moment he seen a nude picture of Shay posted by Travis.

Eyes were darting over to Shay and people began to talk and make fun. "On everything I love you got her fucked up!" He stood up reaching over the table grabbing Travis by his shirt. He pulled him over the table tossing him onto the floor easily. Nathan stood over him, "I'm about to beat the bitch outta you." Nathan gritted angrily, he began stomping Travis in his chest and stomach.

He kicked him in his ribs making Travis groan out in pain. "You think that shit funny bitch?!" Nathan yelled, soon a crowd formed around the altercation. Everyone was recording, it would be posted everywhere soon. Nathan threw punch after punch to his face.

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