Chapter 9: Repercussions

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It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. -Unknown


Chapter 9: Repercussions

"How are you doing today Jewels?" Annie one of Jewels old friends from college said as she entered the exam room.

"Just give me the news Annie." Jewels sighed. Every since Jewels threw up in her office, she had been experiencing mood swings and she ate more than usual. She was hoping she was just overreacting, but she just had to be sure.

"Okay you're pregnant, where the fuck is Avery?" Annie asked confused and Jewels looked down at her fingers. "Jewels.." Annie said crossing her arms over her chest.

"O-Our marriage is falling apart. Day by day and has been for the past year." Jewels admitted.

"And.." Annie said waiting for the rest of the story.

"And for the past 9 months I've been having an affair." Jewels said shaking her head.

"Oh god sweetheart what have you done.." Annie mumbled running her fingers through her natural hair she'd just gotten professionally flat ironed.

"I don't know, she just might leave me after this."

"You two can get through anything Jewels, I've never seen a love like that. You guys were always honest with each other, and that alone is what got you guys so far."

"How far along am I?"

"2 months. You will start to show soon, so you won't be able to hide it for much longer. She won't leave you Jewels she loves you.." Annie reassured Jewels.

"Sometimes love isn't enough." Jewels replied, she had to tell not only Avery but Nathan as well...

Avery sat at her desk reading over a contract she'd had drafted for a new FENTY Model. A knock on her door interrupted her. The door opened and in came Laz, "Okay everybody around here been peeping and we notice how you and Nat ain't been cool for the past 4 months. So wassup?"

Avery looked up at Laz, she sighed leaning back in her seat. "Because of Natalie my mom and I have a somewhat functioning relationship. I'm a little less mean to the employees, and for the first time in years it felt good to have somebody that didn't take my silence and fake smile as me being okay. It was like she seen me even when I was hiding and I didn't wanna be seen. She's goofy, full of life and the way she fights for the people she cares about is probably my most favorite thing about her. I love her Laz, but I won't cheat on my wife and I'll never leave her. So it's best if we aren't close anymore, I almost hurt Jewels and broke vows well shit I did hurt Jewels. Can't let it happen again."

"Bitch you told on yourself?" Laz asked

"Yes I told on myself, we have always been honest with each other. I never find out anything out from anybody else and vice versa."

"I guess I understand but now it's boring around this bitch cause both of y'all all quiet and sad."

"You will be alright nigga." She replied laughing as she shook her head. "Make sure the lingerie line is ready for next week Laz." She said waving him off and he rolled his eyes leaving her office.

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