Chapter 11: Confessions II

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Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen at once. ~Unknown

Chapter 11: Confessions II

Jewels opened the door seeing Annie in her night clothes, "This better be good I got a flight back out to Europe in 4 hours." She said as she walked into the cabin.

"I think she's gonna leave." Jewels said

"What? Who Avery?"

"Yeah I told her and it didn't get as bad there was some yelling and I got mad because she admitted to loving her intern and I don't know she said she needed time."

"Did she cheat?" Annie asked

"No she would never do that to me, and I yelled at her. I'm so stupid, when she admitted to actually loving her I let my anger get the best of me and I should've been apologizing. She cut the girl off and I still wasn't satisfied what's wrong with me?" Jewels asked huffing.

"Call her." Annie said taking a seat on the couch.

"No she said she needed time, she rarely ever asks for space and when she asks for it she really needs it she will spazz and her anger will end with me dead." Jewels responded knowing how her wife got if she didn't get the space she needed.

"Why did you cheat Jewels?" Annie was confused.

"She was literally standing me up on date nights, not answering calls, she started to raise her voice at me and push me away like I was something to be tolerated and then I met Nathan and I'm not in love with him or nothing but I care about him and he was just something I was releasing my anger on." She explained

"So you just gone let yo wife be gone all damn night and not at least try to reach out?"

"She said she was coming back-"

"Yeah and if she doesn't? If I were her I wouldn't bitch I understand I do but you damn near 30 crying about attention, and she ain't right either out here catching feelings on you she prolly at that bitch house right now and you sitting here letting her have space." Annie and Jewels' heart dropped.

Avery was standing face to face with Nathan, her fist was balled and her jaw clenched. Natalie noticed her stance and grew worried, she grabbed Avery's arm pulling her away from Nathan. She pulled an angry Avery back down into the guest room, "Talk now." Natalie demanded, Avery contemplated she didn't wanna y'all she was tired of crying and if she talked she would cry.

Her mind was all over the place she was overwhelmed and she didn't know what to do. "Lay down." Natalie said locking the door, Avery plopped down on the bed laying down like like Natalie said, Natalie crawled into bed next to Avery.

She grabbed Avery's arm pulling Avery on top of her. Avery rested her head on Natalie's chest, and they laid in silence. Avery's mind got the best of her and being held tightly like this made her actually feel like everything would be okay for the first time this year. "I think that I'm a good wife, I mean I'm flawed but I got the basics down. Financially reliable, respect privacy, honest, and to love unconditionally. Am I hard to love?" Avery asked

"No I know a hard to love person I'm still in love with a hard to love person, you're not it sweetheart." Natalie replied as her fingers ran through Avery's hair.

"Why would she cheat on me?" Avery asked and Natalie felt the tear drops hit her chest. She frowned feeling bad for Avery, "I don't understand I swear this is the last thing I seen coming."

"You mad at her?" Natalie asked Avery, and Avery sighed she wasn't mad she was hurt she was angry she allowed herself to be hurt like this, but she still loved her wife she still adored her.


"So what you doin here with me? You still want her Avery and whatever it is remember you're supposed to love her even when it's hard." Natalie said.

"She's pregnant and Nathan's the father." Avery spoke absentmindedly and Natalie's facial expression changed.

"What you just say?"

"Nathan is who she was having the affair with." Avery said making herself clearer. "He's the father of the baby she's pregnant with. So if I'm going back so are you and him I got some shit I wanna get to the bottom of."

"You? I'm about to fuckin kill her ass." Natalie gritted getting out the bed pushing Avery off of her in the process. Natalie stormed out of the room and as she entered the living room the laughter stopped. "Nathan where the fuck are your condoms?"

"My room damn Nat why you buggin?" He asked as his smile faded.

"You got the bitch pregnant." She hissed. "Michael give me your hoodie let's go Nathan, Avery!" Natalie yelled, Michael pulled his hoodie off leaving him in just a tshirt handing it over to Natalie. She pulled the hoodie on Avery entered the living room, and Natalie was already picking up her keys and everybody including Shay and Michael was following Natalie out the door.

Avery soon then followed, "Nathan ride with me." Avery said


"It's cool Nat, come on Shay." Nathan said and Shay who was still trying to piece together what was going on followed Nathan to Avery's car.

Natalie and Michael pulled out the driveway after Avery pulled off, Natalie followed closely behind Avery'a car. "You okay?" Michael asked. Natalie was pissed at Nathan and angry with Jewels because she was a grown ass woman and his principal.

"I'm okay." Natalie replied keeping herself together.

Michael grabbed Natalie's hand, "You know it's okay to not be okay, right?" He asked. "Yo Nat this past year I've seen you takin care of everybody but you. Now I may only be 18 and I don't know much about life but I know you supposed to put yo self first."

"I'm okay for real Michael." Natalie lied again, "Just need to get to the bottom of this."

"Okay." He replied letting her hand go. "I'm here when you ready to talk. Somebody has to take care of you Nat, you can't be the only one care taking."


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