Chapter 13: Solutions

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Focus on the solution, not on the problem. ~Jim Rohn

Chapter 13: Solutions

Natalie woke up with those same strong arms wrapped around her that had been wrapped around her for the past 3 months now. She turned around burying her face in his neck. She placed her leg over his waist snuggling closer to him. His grip around her got tighter making her feel safe and wanted.

For a while she kept falling for people she couldn't have, and out of no where she found herself being taken care of, being loved, not having to lift a finger, and actually trusting that her heart wouldn't be broken.

"You okay baby girl?" Michael's sleepy voice asked as he rubbed Natalie's back.

"I just don't think you're ready for a child Nathan, you're not sweetheart and Jewels is just thinking about everybody in this situation. If she has this child she risks losing her job, you risk your teenage years and school-"

"You serious right now Nat?" Nathan asked angrily. "The one time I need you to have my back and you don't? What kinda shit is this?"


"Nah fuck you." Nathan spat getting up storming out the house, Natalie sat there stunned her feelings were hurt. She dropped her face in the palm of her hands.

She let the tears fall and she sobbed, this was the first time her and her brother had bumped heads on something. He was pushing her away and expressing his hate for her and she didn't know what to do she felt like she was losing her best friend and she tried and tried to reason with Nathan but he just kept pushing her away. Shay had broke things off with him and he felt like he had no say so in anything in his life right now and he took that anger out on Natalie.

Michael walked into the house with a gym bag hanging off his shoulder his attention instantly went to Natalie who was crying. He dropped his gym bag and rushed over to sit next to her, he just pulled her on his lap so she was sitting on him sideways. He wrapped his arms around her squeezing her tightly as she cried on his shoulder.

Just two weeks ago Michael graduated high school, and he's been at the gym a lot more stimulating his mind. He didn't know what he wanted next in life but he knew he had a home to go to. "I told you I'm okay." Nat mumbled making Michael laugh.

"Yeah, you looked okay to me too Nat." He joked making her chuckle. "Told you to stop talkin to him, he gone come around and that toxic ass girl that pop up when she want to high as fuck and leave after you give her some pussy gotta go too. That's not good for your mental health or hers."

"Ari just needs an escape sometimes that's all."

"And when you need an escape can you go to her?" He asked

"I don't even know where she is half the time." Natalie replied.

"This is not what I meant by take care of yourself." He said keeping a smile on his face. Natalie wipes the tears from her face and he looked down at her. "Everything gone be okay if you tale a step back and stop trying to control everything, you and Nathan got that bad. Let me take care of you Natalie." He said as his eyes connected with hers.

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