Chapter 4: In Between

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Nowhere does it state that unfaithfulness or infidelity is tied to a physical act. -Dena B. Cashatt

Chapter 4: In Between

6lack In Between blared through Nathan's speakers as he spray painted the walls of his big sister's room. She wanted a pink themed room and Nathan was her personal maintenance man due to how talented he was with his hands. Anything Nathan did he was immaculate at it.

He had a blunt inbetween his puffing it and exhaling through his nose. His mind was stuck in the moments of last night. He had been with multiple girls before but Jewels wasn't scared. He loved how much of a freak she was, she fucked him so good to the point to where she would always be on his mind. He was mad at himself for not getting her number now he had to wait until Monday to see her at school.

"Nathaaaaaan!" Natalie shouted clapping her hands in his face.

"Damn Nat you can't be walking up on me like that." He said grabbing his phone pausing his music.

"I need advice something has been on my mind heavy since last night." She said as he continued spray painting her walls.

"All ears big sis."

"Okay so there's this woman-"

"What? It's not toxic ass Ari is it? You know I love her music and all but leave her alone Nat." Nathan said turning to look at his sister.

"Not Ari Nate." Natalie replied rolling her eyes. She hated when he brought her up. Natalie and Ari had been on and off since sbe was 14 she was now 23 and the last time she seen Ari was a month ago. She had a show here and somehow she was riding her face in the dressing room after the concert.

"When the last time you talked to her?" Nathan asked

"Why you wanna know all that Nathan? I came in here for advice not for you to be all up in my business."

"Yeah well she broke yo heart it's my business now she not bouta keep treating you like a groupie. I ain't havin that Nat-"

"Nathan this isn't about Ari." Natalie said once again. Nathan sighed, he hated when Ariana blew up. She was everywhere she had hits like 'Distraction' 'Escape' 'Nights Like This' and so on. She played with Natalie's feelings a lot and Nathan was the one holding his sister wiping those tears. He wasn't going to keep allowing his sister to be treated that way it was his job to protect her. He was the man of the house and he didn't want his sister hurt.

"Tell me about this other woman." Nathan replied.

"She's married and I knew this. She respects her marriage so we didn't do anything but she admitted to loving me too." Natalie said she wanted Avery so bad but she understood why they could never be together. Avery loved her wife more and Natalie understood that. They've been together 10 years there was no way she could compete with that.

"She's not respecting her marriage if she telling you she love you too and shit." Nathan said laughing so hard.

"Nigga I kissed her she pushed me away."

"Okay and? If you ask me she cheated on her wife last night." Nathan shrugged as he spoke his mind. "I fucked somebody's wife last night and she went home Nat like I was nothing." Nathan said turning back to his painting.

"And your point is?"

"For an example let's just say this woman's wife is cheating on her too, but she's just having sex with another person no feelings involved. Meanwhile this woman is over here falling in love with you. That's where things get really complicated because how you gone be out here catching these kinda feelings for somebody when you told me you could never feel that way about nobody but me? I don't know man I can deal with some physical cheating all day long but emotional cheating is a betrayal I don't think O could ever get over." Nathan explained. "The woman I fucked last night fucked me and went home like I could be replaced in minutes. She went home to her wife and I don't even have her number. I could never amount to her wife she just needed some type of sexual relief. I respect that but I promise you that was the best pussy a nigga ever had."

"So I need to back off?" Natalie asked

"I don't know sis I can't say that, you may be passing up on your soulmate. Remember though what goes around comes around and there's a lot of hurt when you Sinfully Desire somebody big sis."


Avery woke up looking over at Jewels who was sleeping peacefully next to her. She was going to get dressed and go to work but she had to tell Jewels about last night. "Sweetheart." Avery mumbled caressing Jewels' cheek.

"Hmm?" Jewels hummed not bothering to move.

"I need to tell you something." Avery said Jewels' eyes opened looking up at her wife. The both of them smiled, mesmerized by each other's eyes. Avery's smile quickly dropped, "Last night I was out with my mom-"

"Avery." Jewels said sitting up on her elbow. "What is wrong with you? She is not coming back into your life and why the fuck would you go by yourself?!" Jewels asked getting upset with Avery. There were two things in this world that made Avery weak and that was her mother and Jewels.

"I-I went with Natalie-"

"You did what?!"

"Look she just kinda been the only person I was able to talk to about this. I miss my mom sometimes Jewels and you be so against me fixing things with her me coming to you about my feelings would turn into an argument and I don't want that I just want the emotional support if I bump into a brick wall on this!" Avery shouted back as they both climbed out of bed.

"You damn right that bitch don't deserve you in her life! Avery she's evil! She don't mean you no good!"

"But we don't know that! How are we ever supposed to know if we don't try Jewels?!"

"You don't go back to the same damn spot and get bit by the same damm snake over and over again Avery! Fuckin duh! That woman is not allowed in our lives and that's that."

"Good fuckin thing I'm grown with my own life and my own decisions huh?" Avery spoke sarcastically

"And then you got this bitch you swear you ain't fuckin there with you??! Is that bitch your wife Avery?! She give you the damn emotional support you needed?!"

"Yeah she did actually she made shit so much easier than you! I wish I would've kissed her back last night would've made this argument worth something." Avery grumbled as she walked out their shared bedroom.

"Fuck you Avery." Jewels said scoffing, Avery slammed the bedroom door behind her.


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