Chapter 8: Continuous Sin

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The things that happen to people we never really know. What happens in houses behind closed doors? What secrets? - Harper Lee

Chapter 8: Continuous Sin

"Shay!" Nathan shouted from outside her window. He easily took the ladder from her shed and climbed up the side of her house with Michael supporting the ladder.

Nathan started knocking on her window, "Shay come on sis we know you here! We see yo car!" Michael shouted and within seconds her window opened and her eyes were red like she had been crying.

"What are you doin here Nathan?" She asked she was surprised that he came after her.

He smiled at her, "How are you still so pretty?" He asked making a huge smile form on her lips. "Why'd you leave baby? I had you." Nathan said with a slight frown.

"I didn't think you would want anything to do with me honestly." She replied truthfully. She thought this was another dark time she may have had to go through alone again.

"I still want you." He winked making her smile harder.

"Come in-"

"Bout time aye a nigga hungry I ain't finish lunch can I get a snack or something?" Michael asked

Shay laughed, "Yes Michael, come on up." She replied

Nathan climbed in first, she wrapped her arms around his neck hugging Nathan tightly. "I love you Nathan."

"I love you too Shay." He mumbled into her neck as he hugged her tightly.

"You really aren't mad you're not gonna hit me or anything are you?" She asked and that made Nathan's heart drop. Michael climbed in through the window out of breath.

"Hit you for what? You did nothing wrong, and look we gone go back to school and anybody that has anything to say to you gotta answer to me-"

"Bro did you forget Mrs. Fenty said we were expelled if we left school grounds." Michael said as he laid across Shay's bed.

"Why did y'all leav-"

"I couldn't find you-"

"Shay man you cutting again?" Michael asked smacking his lips. He seen blood on her grey long sleeve shirt. He grabbed her hand pulling her sleeve up revealing a lot of fresh cuts going up her arm. "Come on sis!" Michael said and Shay teared up.

"Baby what's this? What's goin on?" Nathan asked, he had never been with anyone who had these kinds of problems. He never thought he would really, but now that he has he wanted to do everything he could to save her.

"I-I don't want to talk abo-"

"Shay!" We heard a deep voice shout and the a door slam.

"Oh my god he's here get in the closet." She whispered pushing Nathan and Michael toward her closet. Once she pushed them in she closed tbe door and her window. She closed her curtain and her room door opened.

"School called me, so you skipping?!" He yelled making her jump, she looked down.

"Somebody posted a picture of me on instagram and I couldn't handle all the att-" his hand went across her face and she hit the ground.

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