Chapter 14: Bittersweet End

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Your flaws are perfect for the heart that's meant to love you. ~Unknown

Chapter 14: Bittersweet End

Michael's arms were wrapped around Natalie from behind as they stood on the beach smiling for the picture Nathan was taking. "Y'all look good together aww." Shay cooed

"Aye don't forget to get the rock in there man." Michael said grabbing Natalie's hand showing off his half a million dollar engagement ring he'd gotten her.

He flexed his muscles making them laugh, "Boy you ugly." Nathan joked tossing him his phone back.

"He is not." Natalie squinted her eyes at Nathan, she had just turned 26 2 months ago and Michael had proposed. After three years of what seemed like a never ending book he proposed. She had supported him when he needed it most, putting him through school and now he was one of the most top paid actors in the industry.

Girls were crazy about him, but he loved Natalie and he only had eyes for her. After everything they'd all been through these past three years he wouldn't trade his family for the world. "I love you man and you keep taking care of my sister she ain't stopped glowing since you stepped in." Nathan said hugging Michael. "And thank you for being a good brother to me too."

"Always man I got yo back no matter what, you know that." Michael responded

Nathan kicked the chair over before punching a hole into his room wall. He was so angry, tonight was the best and worst night of his life.

Natalie jumped up hearing a loud thud, she heard Nathan scream angrily and she threw the blanket off of her about to get up but Michael grabbed her wrist. "You gotta work in the mornin get some sleep." He spoke sleepily as he threw the blanket off of him off of him getting up. He picked his boxers up off the ground pulling them on, and the his jogging pants before he exited the room he shared with Natalie.

"Ayo man what you on?" Michael asked pushing Nathan back as he entered his bedroom to him throwing his lamp against the wall shattering it.

"She gave my baby girl away! We held her a-and  we both loved her and cried! And she still gave her away!" Nathan spat angrily, the whole 9 months he was trying to convince Jewels to just let him keep their child but she wouldn't let him ruin his life like that. She genuinely cared about Nathan and wanted him to focus on fixing him. There was no way he was ready to raise a kid, so she did what was best for the both of them and gave the baby up for adoption.

"Yo you throwin a tantrum! She right! You not ready for no kid you still acting like one! That's the problem man it's too many kids running around here raising kids and don't know what they doin! Parenting ain't no joke you gone shape that kid and do you really think you got the mental capacity to care for you and a child right now?! Come on let's be real, shit I get mad too! When Natalie piss me off I wanna throw a damn lamp and fuck up a room but I don't because it's not healthy! You not havin self control is not healthy!" Michael shouted at Nathan.

"I wanted my baby man."

"But you didn't need that baby Nathan, you're still selfish and you not ready to be selfless yet."

"I ain't selfish man."

"You sure as hell ain't selfless." Michael said laughing. "Natalie gotta work in 4 hours and you makin all this damn noise, it's the smallest shit. You're not ready to make sacrifices for nobody because you ain't even ready make sacrifices for yourself, you did not need that child and once you get that through yo head you'd appreciate what she did. You can't control everything Nate and what you can't control don't waste your time and energy being mad about it. Go to bed man you got school in the morning, I love you."

"You right man." Nathan aid sighing. "Good night, I love you too bruh." He replied sitting on his bed. This was the best decision for everybody and he knew it, it just hurts to know there's a piece of him out there and he couldn't keep it.

"We look good too." Nathan said wrapping his arm around Shay. Nathan was now 20 years old, and though it took him a while he cleaned up his bad habits. He and Shay moved out into their own condo, he had asked her to be his girl friend a year after graduating high school, and for the past two years it has been okay.

He earned her trust back, and he was still always honest with her. Though marriage wasn't in their mind they were still glad to have made it past the rough patches. Shay was glad that Nathan didn't instantly hop in a relationship with her, they both got what they needed to out of their system and when they got bored of having fun they settled down with each other. They gave each other room to make mistakes and they didn't rush into anything.

Nathan appreciated Shay for staying because she could've left and moved on when Nathan had gotten Jewels pregnant, but she didn't.

Avery stared down at the divorce papers in front of her. She chewed her bottom lip debating on signing her signature or not, her office light was on and Jewels would be here any minute. Today she had to make a decision, could she be with Jewels? Or did she want this divorce?

She picked up the invitation to Michael and Natalie's wedding next month. She picked up her wine glass sipping the wine she heard her front door close. She heard the sound of heels hitting the floor and once the sound stopped Jewels stood in the door way looking good in a long beige trench coat.

Avery sat the invitation down looking at her wife, "So are we getting a divorce or are you gonna come make love to me?" Jewels asked untying the trench coat revealing her naked body.

Avery had been tempted to devour Jewels many times in the past 3 years of their separation, but she didn't. Today was their anniversary and she had to decide if this is the last one or not. Jewels fought hard for her wife, and she didn't plan on stopping. Avery was the one for her and if that meant waiting until she trusted her again then so be it.

"Promise me you'll never do anything like that again." Avery spoke up.

"I won't baby I promise, please take me back and come home." Jewels begged as she straddled Avery's lap. "I'm sorry I hurt you." She mumbled against Avery's lips.

"I love you Jewels.."

"I love you so much more Avery.."

The End...


I'm thinking sequel 🤔 what y'all think?

Confessions of a Sinner? 🤔

Sinfully Desired 2?

Eh idk lemme reread and see if I have any unanswered questions lemme get back to y'all on that..

In the mean time, go check out another one of my Chreyoncé books 'Family Affair' or 'Perfect Mistake' oooor you could check out my Trey Songz and Ella Mai book 'Slut 4 Sale', or any book tbh 🤷‍♀️.

Anyways good night I love you guys

That Nigga Jay

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