Chapter 5: True Love

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Two things you never have to chase: true friends & true love.. -Mandy Hale


Chapter 5: True Love

"My true love is my sister." Nathan explained as Jhene Aiko None Of Your Concern played tbrough the speakers of his car.

"It's like it hurts you to have feelings for someone." Shay said, her and Nathan had been on and off for the past couple months due to him cheating and his nonchalant attitude.

"It does hurt Shay, I can't put myself in no position to care about anybody else. I'll go to jail for my sister I don't need more reasons to go to jail." He joked making the both of them laugh.

"I love how you adore your sister."

"Aight ma imma head home, see you tomorrow at school?" Nathan said and Shay nodded. Nathan leaned over kissing her cheek. She got out the car, Nathan waited until she was inside her house to pull off. He liked Shay and he seen things getting far with her. It was just some thibgs within himself he needed to work on before he decided to take anything serious. He can't love anybody right now he was just now getting the hang of loving himself.

He wasn't gving his heart to nobody if he wasn't ready. He replayed Jhene Aiko's None Of Your Concern, lately he had been letting go of his gangster music and leaning more toward the R&B side of life. He needed to relax is surroundings so he himself could relax.

For some reason his mind kept wandering to Jewels. Just a night ago she was riding his face and his dick the best he had ever had. He wanted it to happen again, and he was hoping it would. He was so upset he didn't get her number, so when he pulled into his driveway and he seen Jewels getting out of a Maserati. His eyes widened, why was she here? He opened his garage riding past her into the garage. Once he parked his car he got out quickly making his out the garage. 

Jewels began banging on Natalie's door. She contemplated on what she wanted to do for a day and this is what she kept coming back to. Avery was no where to be found, and she was starting to worry. Avery had never not came home. The front door opened and Natalie who had a robe tied around her and her long black hair was all over her head like she had been sleeping.

"Jewels hi..." Natalie said confused.

"Mrs. Fenty what are you doin here?" Nathan asked as he stepped into the patio.

"Nathan?" Jewels said her knees getting weak instantly. She had released a side of herself with him sexually that she had never did with Avery.

"How do you two know each other?" Natalie asked opening the screen door, Nathan stepped in leaning against the door frame the both of them now facing Jewels.

"I'm hus principal you would know that if you'd came to the meeting." Jewels replied sarcastically..

"Aye bruh watch how you talkin to my sister." Nathan spoke sternly and though Jewels loved the tone of his voice she didn't let it show. She scoffed shaking her head.

"Stay in a child's place." Jewels replied looking him up and down.

"Where is my wife?" Jewels asked calmly.

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