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"Flower gleam and glow," Rosalie quietly sung. She was in the middle of painting a gift for her parents - a scene from her mother's eighteenth birthday. "Let your power shine, make the clock..."

There was knock on her door. Setting her paintbrush down, Rosalie opened her door to see her best friend, King Ben. "Hey, come on in." He immediately sat on her bed.

"Haven't seen you in awhile," Rosalie commented. All this King stuff, huh?"

Ben laughed nervously. "Yeah..." he trailed. His eyes stared down at the floor.

Rosalie gave her best friend a worried look. "Oh come on, don't do that. What's going on?"

"It's... Mal. Just being in Auradon and me being King and," Ben started pacing back and forth. "I gave her props for trying, Rose! She kept her spell book. She even tried to spell me during our picnic earlier."

"This isn't the Isle, Ben," Rosalie took a deep breath and tried to reason with him. "This is an entirely new universe for her. A lot has changed in the past six months." She remembered how her mom felt once she finally became princess of Corona. Culture shock. "Imagine being cooped up your entire life and being thrown into the hands of royalty all of a sudden."

"I guess you're right."

"I won't say I told you so." Rosalie playfully pushed Ben and laughed. "Just talk to her. But don't be so hard on yourself, either. I miss my best friend."

"Okay, I will," he said confidently. "I'm sorry I haven't been the greatest friend lately. How are you doing?"

"I've been helping Jane plan Cotillion ever since Audrey went on vacation so things have been crazy hectic. I finally found a moment to finish this painting."

"It looks great, Rose. Your parents are gonna love it." Ben stared at the floating lanterns for a moment. "Do you think everything will be fine? Between me and Mal?"

Rosalie placed a hand on his shoulder. "Do you love her?"

"Yeah," he smiled softly. "I do."

"Then, yes, everything will be fine," Rosalie assured. "Now, how about we work on Cotillion tougher? Clear your mind for a bit?" Ben nodded, grabbing her wrist and heading towards the door.

"Wait, Ben!"

He stopped in his tracks and turned around. "Yeah?"

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