☼ seven ☼

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Rosalie Fitzherbert was never one to give up. She always walked into life with her head held high. She certainly wasn't going to give up on anyone, especially herself.

This was a one time occurrence.

After a tension-filled ride back to Auradon Prep, Rosalie had to deal with her sister and two cousins who were no doubt worried beyond belief. So much of her wanted to fast-forward to Cotillion but she knew, at the end of the day, she could never hide things from her family.

She kept her head low as she slowly walked back to her dorm room, knowing fully well the hell she was going to endure.

"What do you mean Rose went to the Isle?" She heard her cousin, Elijah, question.

"Elijah, you know she'd never do anything to-" Ruby started.

Rosalie felt her heart beat against her chest as her opened the door. "Hi," she said sheepishly.

In front of her was Ruby, Elijah, and her younger cousin, Anya.

Anya jumped up immediately, with her wide eyes and fiery red hair. "How was it?"

Behind the glowing excitement of her younger cousin, stood the son of Elsa, with his arms crossed. "You went to the Isle?"

"I can explain," Rosalie tried to reason. She sat down on the bed that she didn't even realize how much she missed. "It's been a long few days."

In between explaining how she ended up on the Isle of the Lost or how she found herself in the middle of a sword fight, Rosalie felt the tension alleviate from the rest of the room. She chose not to mention a certain pirate. She could've sworn she saw snowflakes fly off of Eljiah's fingertips, so it was probably better if he didn't know about certain details.

Anya listened intently before lightly chuckling. "You look like Uncle Eugene."

Rosalie shrugged before trying to put things back together again. "I'm okay, see?" she promised. "I'm in one piece."

"That's all that matters," Ruby nodded.

"I can take care of myself, Eli. Dad didn't give us an emergency frying pan for nothing." Rosalie gave her cousin a look before giving everyone a hug. "Alright, enough about me. Go get ready for tonight."

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In the midst of the upcoming excitement, Rosalie rushed to the courtyard to help with any last minute Cotillion preparations. She and Jane had been up to their necks with what decorations should be put where and what color the party favor bags should be for weeks and the big day had finally come. With Cotillion, Cotillion, Cotillion on her mind 24/7 (before the events of the past few days, of course), every fiber of Rosalie's being knew tonight would be everything she hoped for.

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