☼ fourteen ☼

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Now, more than ever, did Rosalie wish she had her trusty emergencies only frying pan on her.

Auradon's newest Mistress of Evil stood high and mighty with Maleficent's scepter in her hands. She smiled wickedly at the princess in front of her. "Would you look at that. Rapunzel's own daughter is finally a damsel in distress. All we need to do now is lock you in a tower, hmm, Rosalie?"

"Audrey, why are you doing this?" Rosalie begged. "Is this really what you want?"

"Of course, this is what I want!" Audrey snapped. "This... this was supposed to be mine."

"What? Auradon? Ben?" Rosalie looked at her in disbelief. She couldn't believe who was standing in front of her. Once upon a time, the two were friends. And now? Well... this wasn't the same person she once knew.

"I was meant to wear this crown. This palace was supposed to be my home."

"Home?" Rosalie scoffed. "You just keep running away - now nowhere's the right place. You can fix this, just-"

Suddenly, there was a puff of purple smoke and in came Mal in full dragon form to save the day. Audrey smirked once more before gripping on to the scepter. "Looks like that won't matter anymore, huh? Enjoy the show."

The battle between good and evil had finally begun. Mal blew fire onto Hades' ember, but it was no use. Her magic wasn't strong enough to challenge her mother's scepter. Mal lowered herself down, and Rosalie couldn't bare being a damsel in distress any longer.

She stood taller than before. "Audrey, if you stop now, I promise I'll help you get out of this. And when I promise something, I never, ever, break that promise."

"That's real sweet of you to say, Rose," Audrey said, poison dripping with every word, "but if I don't get to have my happy ending, then neither do you."

And that was it.

The last thing Rosalie heard was the faint echo of familiar voices yelling down below. The last thing Rosalie saw was a beaming light coming toward her, a blazing fire, and Hades' ember glowing a bright blue. Then, it was black.

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The funny thing about eternal sleep is, it's an endless dream while also being a cruel nightmare.

Rosalie Fitzherbert didn't wake up after the events of the last night. She laid peacefully in her old bedroom at Auradon Prep, surrounded by her sister, cousins, and friends. Her parents were notified of her state and were already on their way to Auradon City as fast as they could.

There was still hope. All was not lost.

Ruby sat at her sister's side, holding her hand. "Come on, Rose," she whispered. "Flower gleam and glow..."

Or so they thought.

On the other side of the room Mal and Ben stood with the rest of the VKs.

"She's slipping away," Evie whispered hurtfully.

It was then that Mal revealed Hades was the only one who could wake her, and regardless of Ben's dismay, Mal reassured them he would. "He's my father."

When Ben finally agreed to send guards back to the Isle, Uma jumped at the opportunity. "Maybe I can hitch a ride on their way back. The Isle is my home. Someone needs to be there to protect it."

"Well, then," Harry stood next to his captain, "you will need your first mate."

"Harry, are you sure about that?" Evie questioned, eyes open wide. Harry sent her an unpleasant look, but she wasn't buying it. "Oh, come on. Don't act like we don't know how much you care about her."

He stayed silent, but everyone knew, too.

Mal took in a deep breath, knowing how hard this must be on everyone. She nodded lightly. "The Isle will be in very good hands."

More time had passed and though he remained quiet, never once did Harry's eyes leave the princess. Her family insisted everyone stayed until there was some sort of good news. "She'd been on her own for months. She would want you all here," Ruby assured them.

Soon, came in Hades. His ember glowing the brightest blue, he held it over a sleeping Rosalie and worked his magic. Her friends and family gathered around.

"It.. it didn't work," Hades trembled. All hearts dropped.

Elijah's eyes widened. He balled his fists tight (and if you looked closely, snowflakes flew off of his hands). "What do you mean it didn't work? How can your magic not work?"

"Because, it's you." Anya stood up, pointing at Harry. "You're who Rosalie met on the Isle, aren't you?"

"She what?" Elijah burst.

"Not now, Eli!" Anya snapped. "I knew she had to be in love!"

All eyes were now on the pirate.


"In love?" Harry repeated in disbelief. Anya nodded profusely. "No, no, it can't be. I-"

"Harry," Evie interrupted sternly. "We all can see it. I think you know what to do."

Perhaps it really was time to be a part of something bigger than himself. He walked over to the sleeping girl and sat at her side. "Please wake up, princess." Harry leaned over and pressed a kiss on her lips.



Rosalie's eyes fluttered open. "H-Harry?"

"I knew it!" Anya rejoiced. "Works every time." The group all smiled at the two.

"So it's you, huh?" Rosalie giggled, holding Harry's face in her hand.  "Good thing, too. I'd already lived out one dream - and you, Harry Hook, you were my new dream."

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OOF hello!! it's been awhile hasn't it? I felt like this was the right way to end this chapter, and it looks like there's gonna be one more until the end! sending the best to all of you and plz keep yourselves safe!!

everything to win ☼ h. hookWhere stories live. Discover now