☼ five ☼

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Cotillion was in full swing. Everything had gone exactly to plan. Ben presented Mal as a Lady of the Court. He unveiled his stained glass portrait of her. And now, the fun had begun.

Rosalie smiled as she looked at every detail she was a part of. She didn't even care that she wasn't in the middle of the dance floor. The look on her friends' faces was enough of a reward. She could always celebrate later.

She admired the view of the ocean before her. Across the water was the Isle, of course, and a part of her mind kept gravitating towards a certain pirate. Her heart began to race.

Turning back around, Rosalie shook her head. Now wasn't the time to think about him.


There he was. Harry Hook. Standing at the top of the stairs.

He looked different. Instead of wearing his usual red, he stood in all white. His hair was groomed back. He didn't have stark black eyeliner rimming around his eyes. This wasn't the pirate Rosalie met on the Isle. This was a goddamn prince.

Rosalie's breath hitched. She didn't want to make eye contact with him, but at the same time she did.

He was tall, very tall and his eyes were clear and blue.

He was slim, very slim, in his coat of snowy hue.

Those same clear and blue eyes met the princess's.

When he walked across the ball room floor, he was like a thing divine.

And all the ladies turned their heads.

And naturally I turned mine.

Their eyes didn't dare part. Harry extended a hand, and of course, Rosalie accepted it. He held her close - his hands resting on her waist and hers wrapped around his shoulders.

"You look lovely," he whispered, not letting the rest of the world know.

The chandeliers were shooting stars.

"You look rather dashing yourself, Hook."

The drums and horns and soft guitars were sounding more like nightingales.

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you," Harry admitted.

The window curtains blew like sails.

"And what would that be?"

And I was floating just above the floor.

"I can't keep you off of my mind, princess."

Feeling slightly taller than before.

Leaning down, his lips barely met hers.

He was tall, very tall, and his eyes were clear and blue.

"I think I'm in love wi-"

Rosalie woke up in a sweat. She looked over at Ben, who immediately came to her side. "Rose, hey, it was just a nightmare. You're okay," he soothed.

"Oh, princess!"

Head sticking into the doorway was Harry Hook and those clear and blue eyes. He smirked at the two, waving his pocket watch. "Rise and shine. Let's see if your little friends come to save you now, ay?"


whoooaAaAAAAaa hi!! who knows when I'll be back with another update so if you're reading this, thank you and I appreciate you :) anyway OKAY THX BYEEEE :))))

everything to win ☼ h. hookWhere stories live. Discover now