☼ eight ☼

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The event's that pursued during Cotillion were certainly not in tonight's itinerary.

Rosalie thought she knew her best friend better than this. Her heart pounded as she saw Uma being escorted down the staircase by Ben, him placing a kiss on her hand before finally facing his real true love, Mal. 

"I'm sorry. It all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the Isle with Uma - a connection," Ben confessed. He and Uma shared a smile, and there was something so evidently wrong with this situation.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying..." Ben started.

"It was love," Uma confirmed.  "I just- I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"

Rosalie watched as her best friend particularly stabbed the love of his life in the back for the very person who nearly sent him to his death the night before. He proceeded to thank Mal for everything and they weren't meant to be together. That's why she never said she loved him. Everything felt wrong. The tension filled amongst the crowed as everyone stood by Mal's side.

In the heat of the chaos, Jane yelled, "Lumiere, unveil the gift. They need to see it!"

Staring at the stained glass window of herself and the King of Auradon, Mal stood in absolute shook. "Ben did that?"

He knew who she was all along. He truly loved her.

Uma, on the other hand, demanded for the piece of art to be covered and that Ben apparently had a present for her, too.

"I have an announcement!" Ben abruptly yelled. "Uma will be joining the court tonight as my lady." Uma smiled deviously as Ben stumbled on his words. "Uh, so as my gift to her, I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all! Fairy Godmother, bring down the barrier."

And in that very moment, Mal realized, "Ben's been spelled." The begun the back-and-forth of just look at me, and a grand ole bring the barrier down now! before finally, "I'm part Isle and part Auradon. And, Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be."

"Ben, I know what love feels like now," Mal said breathlessly. "Ben, of course I love you. Ben, I've always loved you."

"True love's kiss," Rosalie whispered.

"Works every time," Evie nodded.

Uma immediately went head first towards Fairy Godmother's wand, then towards the ship's railing. "Uma, I know you. You are so much more than just a villain. And you have to believe me, because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want," Mal tried to reason. But as her seashell necklace began to glow, it was clear that a broken spell and a second chance weren't enough for the daughter of Ursula.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this." Uma transformed from human into a gigantic sea witch floating in the middle of Auradon Bay. Her tentacles splashed water all over the deck as lightning clashed. "The world will know my name!"

Mal took a step back, eyes glowing bright green, and before everyone's eyes, she transformed into a dragon. The fighting that ensued caused those on the ship to be rocked back and forth.

King Ben held on to the ship's railing and let out a roar before handing is crown to Rosalie and disheveling his jacket.

"Ben, what in Auradon are you doing?" his best friend questioned.

And with that, he jumped straight into the water.

Ben begged the two to stop their fighting. "Nobody wins this way! We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy, but let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what is best for the Isle. Help me make a difference."

There was a moment that nearly anything could've happened, but thankfully, Uma listened to every word. She retreated into the water and from that moment on, no one knew when they'd see her next.

Ben swam back to the ship, welcomed by applause. Mal flew down, consumed in a puff of purple smoke and transformed to her usual self. Now in a ball gown of her signature color, she couldn't help but laugh and smile. She was escorted down to the dance floor, meeting the rest of her friends. "So, I did not know that I could do that."

"I owe you guys so much," Ben joked, followed by a round of laughs and teases. "If there is anything that you need, or anything I can do for you..."

"Um, actually, there is, Ben," Evie spoke up. She told him about Drizella's daughter, Dizzy, who deserved a chance to see Auradon. "There's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us, who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

Ben looked over to Rosalie, who gave him a small smile and nodded her head.

"Yes, yes! Absolutely, please."

And with that, things started to look like they could only go up from here. Mal donated her spell book to the museum. Auradon would soon be welcoming a handful of VKs in the near future. Things were changing, and they were changing for the better.

"Looking back at yesterday, I thought I gave it everything. But there's still so much road ahead of me," Ben sang.

Rosalie couldn't help but smile as she watched her friends enjoy themselves. She tried to protest, but matter how much she always watched the fun from afar, this was indeed a time for celebration. For the first time in a long time, nothing could go wrong.

We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me

Or could it? You didn't think this was the end of the story, did you?

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OKAY WOW HI IT'S BEEN AWHILE. I am soooo sorry to anyone that reads this for my terrible lack of updates (plz know that you are appreciated!!!) A ton has been going on lately but I am determined to finish this book and write more (Ricky Bowen fic next??? WHO KNOWS) I am, however, extremely excited to get into the third movie and write more about the one and only Harry Hook :) until then, sending love and luck to anyone reading!!

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