☼ eleven ☼

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Being back at Auradon Prep filled Rosalie with so much joy. After being away for so long, she had missed the familiarity of the place she had come to love over the years. And on today of all days, Rosalie was beyond happy to be home.

"Looks like Carlos forgot about your birthday, huh?" She heard Chad Charming tease to the birthday girl, Jane.

"Well, maybe not, maybe he just took the wrong trail or something," Jane reasoned. "Or you know what? They probably don't celebrate birthdays on the Isle, maybe it's like a cultural thing."

"Oh, yeah. Or maybe he just forgot. You never know."

Rosalie shook her head as she approached the two. "Hey, Chad, look! There's people taking selfies."

"Selfies!" And with that, Chad Charming was off.

"Don't listen to him, Janey. Carlos is the most excited for you," Rosalie ensured. The two started to catch up after months of being away from each other's partner-in-crime. Everything was going smoothly until they heard someone's outburst.
"Why is she here?"

"Is that... Audrey?" Rosalie asked in shock.

The daughter of Sleeping Beauty waltzed among the partygoers.  She now held herself differently than when she first heard of the engagement. In her hand was Maleficent's scepter and nothing good could come from it. "It's like someone forgot to invite me. Well, don't be expecting Mal, she's... not feeling herself."

Audrey sauntered throughout the once joyous occasion. Rosalie's breath hitched and she could only wonder where Ben, Mal, and the rest of the VKs were.

"Does that make you sad? Does it just ruin everything? Mindless little drones. How could you forget what she did to us? How could you forget that I was supposed to be your Queen?"

Rosalie looked at Jane with wide eyes.

"Auradon likes to forget so much. They'll love this," Audrey said wickedly. "Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to Jane. Happy birthday to you."

Pink smoke began to fill the forest and the party guests were cast under Audrey's spell. Jane hurriedly pulled Rosalie behind a pillar. "Rose, the Enchanted Lake."

She felt her heart beat against her chest. No matter how much Rosalie wanted to ensure the people she cared about were okay, she had to put herself first for once. The two hid in the Enchanted Lake and away from Audrey and her spell.

As soon as they were certain they found the eye of the storm, Rosalie immediately called Ben while Jane called her mother for her magic wand.

Ben picked up, not knowing of the events that had just ensued. "Hey, Rose. I'm on my way to the party. My meeting ran long."

"No, no," Rosalie warned. "Stay where you are, Ben. Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. Jane's calling her mom to get her wand."

"Is Mal with you? Rose? Jane?"

There wasn't time for Rosalie to explain much further. There was so much at stake and as soon as she and Jane had the chance, they ran.

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Little did the rest of Auradon know, two pirates jumped through a hole in the barrier before it closed. No one knew what was going on on the other side, but they were all in store for an adventure.

"Hey, guys," Harry Hook smiled widely. "We're just coming for a wee visit."

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Oof hi short chapter I'm SORRY I have more coming, I promise!! (y'all said reunion????) sending all the best :)

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