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There was something about that girl and her bright green eyes. Eyes that held a glimmer when she talked about the things she loved - when she mentioned her friends. Or her family. Painting. Playing guitar. Ballet. Chess. (She had a lot of hobbies.)

There was a fire within her. Warmth. Sunshine. A part of her looked past the pirate and the villain for just a moment. She showed Harry kindness. She believed in people, as far as he could tell. And Harry would be damned if maybe, just maybe, she believed in him, too.

Once he got back to his room, Harry shook his head. Rosalie was a princess from Auradon. He was a pirate from the Isle of the Lost. There was no way anyone could believe in him.

No one really believed in him since his mother was around.

"I'm gonna become somebody," Harry whispered. "I don't know how exactly, but I am... I have to... somehow."

"Proud of your boy, I'll make you proud of your boy." Harry looked out the water before him then kept his face down. "Believe me, bad as I've been, Ma, you're in for a pleasant surprise."

"I've wasted time, I've wasted me." He toyed with his hook. "So say I'm slow for my age, a late bloomer, okay, I agree that I've been one rotten kid. Some son, some pride and some joy."

Harry stood with a little more confidence, head up, facing the sunset.

"But I'll get over these lousin' up, messin' up, screwin' up times. You'll see, Ma, now comes the better part."

His mind gravitated towards a certain someone. "Someone's gonna make good cross his stupid heart, make good and finally make you proud of your boy."

Maybe he was more than a pirate. Or the son of Captain Hook.

"Water flows under the bridge let it pass, let it go. There's no good reason that you should believe me not yet, I know, but someday and soon, I'll make you proud of your boy."

He wondered when someday was. What hurt was knowing that at noontime tomorrow, he'd probably never get a moment like this again. He had to be the Harry Hook that Rosalie first met.

"Though I can't make myself taller, or smarter, or handsome, or wise. I'll do my best, what else can I do?
Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you, Mom, I will try to, try hard to make you proud of your boy."

For once in his life, Harry Hook had something to believe in.

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everything to win ☼ h. hookWhere stories live. Discover now