Chapter 5 Wh- where did he go??

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A few days later (haha angst warning and spoilers haha)

Okay let me set the scene, Kokichi did something pissed off Kaito which pissed off Maki Kaito almost punches Kokichi now it's Maki's turn.

No one's POV

Everyone is in the lobby. Watching the "entertainment" Aka fight in front of them.

"Kokichi, Do you want to die?" Maki scoweld

"Hah, that depends" He laughed back at her

In a Split Second Maki is holding kokichi by the neck up off the ground strangling him muttering something to him.

"Hah... Here we go again... H-how many.. Nh.. Times do I have to say this? You're just... Gonna... Do this until your satisfied.... You won't kill me.. You'll do that when 28 eyes aren't watching you... Haha.. Isn't that right Assassin?... Y-... You're an assassin right? .. You kill from the..... Shadows.... We've ..... Discussed... This..... Before?.... Right Maki?" He smirked at her through all of those choppy out of breath words.

After he said that she dropped him and uttered
"I hope you get crushed again"

Kokichi's POV

I'm on the floor, and in a second if feels like I black out... It feels like death all over again, getting crushed by a huge metal plate. Is not the best feeling in the world, it's painful feeling, your bones crush and having it be all your fault because you manipulated someone into doing that, you manipulated someone into crushing you. Pain... pain runs through my body as it had before.. coldness of the metal... darkness of finally dying.. but then... I feel a hand on my shoulder

"Hey Kokichi, you alright?" Its Rantaro... he's worried about me.

"Hah... yeah .. that kinda hurt" I smile, jokingly

I shakily stand up I obviously almost fell because I feel arms holding me up.

"You almost passed out... if she held you a few seconds longer you would have..." I hear Shuichi's worried voice now

"You need to be careful of what you say around her" Shuichi's still worries

"and stop Harassing people" Rantaro says sternly, but he's still worried

"hah but it's funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn"
"And i can take care of myself" I saw walking up the stairs

I continue to remember the overwhelming pain of the press. I flop down on my bed and sit there or cover my self in a blanket and... I pass out.. I guess I was really tired..

I randomly wake up unknowing if the time I get out of Ben anyways. I throw on a checkered sweatshirt. I just need to take a walk... I think about grabbing some food.. But I know I don't deserve it..

I walk out. I don't know where I'm going but I walk. I end up at the park I see the bridge and I sit under it. I guess it rained overnight. A patch of dirt under the ramp of the bridge is dry so I sit there. Looking at the water flow by... I see little fish and frogs, swimming and being sped up by the current. Drip..... Drip... Drip.... Drip.... I see water dripping off of the bridge.. It's calming.. I lean my head against the back of the ramp and drift off to a gentle sleep.

~~Time skipparoo~~

Rantaro's POV.

Kokichi hasn't come down... He normally do anything eat but he meets down here. .. Maybe he just slept in. I tell Shuichi I'm going to wake up Kokichi

"He's sleeping in? That's not like him.. He's normally one of the first up" Shuichi remarked.

" Yeah. I'm going to see." I said turning to leave.

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