Chapter 16 Hideout

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:)  sad time boys

No ones pov

Kokichi, for a couple of days now has just been leaving the house for about an hour each day, yesterday he went out three times and when he leaves today people start to get concerned

Shuichi's POV

"What is he doing out there?" kirumi asked putting down a cleaning rag and looking at him through a window,

"I- I don't know.. " I say trying not to shake from anxiety.

" I hope he doesn't get hurt... Hopefully Atua is protecting him" Angie said clasping her hand together.

"Since when did you care about him Angie?!" Tenko looked at Angie totally surprised.

Meanwhile me, I was sitting on an armchair trying not to cry or something. I slowly got up. Looking at what was now a black, white and purple blob in the distance.

"Haaa hopefully he's tryna find a spot to hang him-"

"Miu, shut the fuck up"  I glared at her  thats one too many times she's said something about him... Killing himself.
I then grabbed my phone and walked out following him.

As I was walking I started thinking.. What if he was actually going out to find a secret spot to kill himself. Then it would be my fault for not looking after him enough
It would be my fault for not asking him enough about what's going on....

Have I ever even asked him what's wrong?

Have I ever even asked him if he's doing alright?

Oh my god..
I was snapped out of my thogughts as a car flew in front of me.
I looked where I was, I was at a cross walk. The light had just turned green so I called walk. Who... Just ... What the hell was that person thinking...

Oh it was my fault I got stuck in my head again... I almost died that time I need to stop doing that..  Seriously...

I could s barely see Kokichi..

I looked at the time I had left  ah shit 5 seconds
I ran across the street, I kept running so I could kina catch up to Kokichi.

Time skip brought to you by Gonta's bugs

Kokichi ended up leading me to a half blown up building

What the fuck??  Is this.

I probably look like a creepy stalker right now...

I just watched him walk in to the building

I moved from my hiding spot to look around. .
Where am I..

I peeked in the building to see kokichi looking around.

Should I make myself present.... Not yet.

A few minutes pass and he pulls something out of the rubble. I can't tell what it is but he just stares at it then holds it close to his chest.

Now would be a good time to make myself present... Maybe.. I don't know. Uhhhhhhhhh

"What you got there? "  Fuck fuck fuck....

"Hm? Oh hi Shu-shuichi.." He half smiled. He's getting so bad at fake smiling what the hell is going on?

Wait was that a stutter?

I walk a little closer to him

"Where are we?"

"Old hideout"
Oh.. This is Dice's old hideout.

I see a tear run down his cheek...

And I notice that he's holding a mask.. It's the same as the one in ... His motive video....

"Can.. Can i hug you? "

He slowly nodded

Kokichi's POV

I felt warm

The first time I've felt warm in a while though all I wear are thick sweatshirts or sweaters and jeans. I normally hate being hugged but Shuichi is different... It's a soft warm and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to hurt me. I'm trying so hard not to cry.

Shuichi isn't saying anything he is just hugging me I slowly hug him back, my breath hitches as I start to scilently cry.


"It's okay, you can cry, no one is going to judge you I'm not going to judge you" I hear Shuichi say.

I- i
I needed to hear that.

I didn't know I did.

I was far too tired to cry very hard

"D-did you used to live here? " Shuichi broke the , silence.

"Yeah.. "

" oh, I'm so sorry.. " He hugged me a little tighter

"You shouldn't be sorry." I replied

" your home was destroyed so I'm gonna be sorry and I'm gonna be here to comfort you, no matter what you say."

"Okay but it isn't your fault. ... They died because of me"
It really is my fault. Everything is.

"No it's not, our memories were half wiped and we are in the middle of nowhere, how long did it take you to find d this place?" He's trying to reason with me that it's not my fault

"A few days,  but if I did it when we got back they wouldn't be dead. " I said clutching the back of his sweater

He smells good

"Did you even remember where it was when we got back?"

"... No" I really didn't.
Damnit he wins this argument.

"Do you want to go back home?" He asked ash he lets go of me.


I wipe my face dry and look at my old mask. I'm taking it.

The walk home was pretty quiet but shuichi made sure to stay close to me.

Once we got home Kirumi immediately let out a big sigh

"Okay good your safe" She said as she walked over to me

"Can I hug you? "She asked in a quiet voice

I nodded

"Mom hugs are great" I giggled and hugged her back.

"Dinner will be ready in about an hour" She patted me on the head

Oh boy I've been gone for a while :)
Uh so I'm not going back to school until August because of this stupid virus so I might be writing more.

See ya soon
Stay safe
Stay hydrated and
Stay healthy :)

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