Chapter 19 Apologies

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Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhvhhhhhvhb hi um  I went brain dead for a while and absolutely lost inspiration to write here but I AM BACK NOW WOOHOO YEHAW


Panic attack

Shuichi's POV

Once I woke up Kirumi told me that she had a Therapist set up for Kokichi  I smiled and thanked her, though I have a feeling this won't be an easy recovery for Kokichi, he's good at lying, he's good at hiding things... My train of thought was broken when I almost walked into Kaito

"Hey bro, are you alright you've been really spacey lately."
He asked with a concerned look.

"Uh y-yeah I'm fine' I nodded and tried to smile.

"I-..." He looked around

"I'm really sorry for what I said a while back Shuichi" He said is a quieter tone

I was In shock.. he was.. apologizing?

"I see how he acts around you and  it's far different from what I've ever seen.. And I see how you really care for him... And.. Ugh I dunno man I'm just really sorry. You can love whoever you want" He slightly avoided eye contact and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thank you Kaito, i-i uh.. I forgive you.. It's alright" I smiled. I was honestly  happy  he decided  to apologize. Weather its real or not didn't  matter, atleast he apologized

"Tha-thank you Kaito"  I smiled as I walked off.

I was going  to check up on Kokichi, I've been thinking  about what he might  do if I'm not with him... if he does anything  it will be my fault... because  I didn't  do enough... I didn't  try hard enough... I never  do...

My heart starts picking up pace....

I get dizzy ...

My breathing  gets faster..

I quickly  run into my room

I close the door and collapse, I prop  myself  up on the wall and try to steady  my breathing.. It won't work...
Nothing  I do works
All my plans fail..

I'm a failure...

How did...
I'm supposed  to  be a detective...


"Sai-Chan why do I hear heavy breathing?"

I was snapped out of it when I heard a gentle knock  on my door..

I shakily get up and open the door.

"Shuichi  are you okay?" Kokichi  looks up at me and walks in.

"I-Im sorry Kokichi... I'm sorry for not being enough"

"For not being en-   fucking  huh? Sai-chan. I'd probably be dead by now if it weren't  for you." He looked at me in the eye, something  i hated.. a stern look in the eye.... god why am I so pathetic..?

"Yea but..will you stay alive.. a-and.. if-if you did... will it be my fault?"

"No. Jeez Shuichi you are dull for a detective, you've helped  me in more ways than I care to say right now.  If i die at my own hands blame my mom.. or Maki, I'm starting  to think she doesn't  like me.. probably not everyone loves me."  He giggled.

I cracked a small smile. He manages to always lighten the situation with shitty jokes.

"Ye-yeah you need to be careful of what you say ar-around her... i dont want her hurting you.." I said running my fingers through  my  hair.

"So who the fuck made you think that you weren't enough?bI'll  teach them a thing or two." He said putting  his fists up like he's  about  to fight.

"Ya ever heard of anxiety? Yeah they told me." I smirked.

"Shit now they are pretty powerful  but nothing  a supreme  leader can't handle" he said as he started punching the air above my head.

I let out a light laugh, he seems to always know how to lighten  the mood with his childish acts.

I stare at him gently smiling.

I'm starting to realize that what he does actually helps us in the long run.
Like in that  awful game he pretended to be the Mastermind and give us all a common enemy to fight against cuz we didn't have one...  that wasn't Monokuma.

"Admiring the work of art in front of ya?"  Kokichi  snapped me back into reality.

"I sure was."
I didn't  mean to say that.

"I- .. awww Shuichi's  such a flirt! You're making  me bluuushh!" I saw his mask slip, does he get flustered  easily?

"Maybe that was the point." I smirked.
I had no clue what I was doing  but I liked the reaction,  hes cute when flusterd.

"Welp. I'm absolutely  starving  sai-baby so I'm gonna go get the entire box of fruit snacks and eat it, not the gummies, the box. "  he then zoomed out of my room.

I wondered if I made him uncomfortable  or too flusterd to handle.

Kokichi's  POV

I ran out of Shuichi's room, my face was so red. I could become Himiko's hair and I ran into Rantaro's room and slammed the door behind me.

"What did Shuichi  do? Breathe?"

"Worse, hes starting  to flirt with me." I said walking over and sitting  on his bed.

"Oh no the boy you have a fat crush on likes you back and is hinting  at it!  Oh god what are you ever gonna do?" The green haired asshole mocked me.

"That's the problem shit brick, I dont know what to dooo I've never fallen face first for someone  before"


"EXUSE ME? WHAT DID YOU SAY"  I stood up on Ran-Chans  bed.

"You are one of the biggest bottoms I know"  he smirked

"I am a supreme leader! And of course I'd need to have dominance! So I have no idea what your saying  about  me being  a bottom." 

"Sounds like something  a bottom  would say."

"Rude, ahem anyways to the problem at hand, WHAT DO I DO" I fell back down onto his bed far too dramatically  it honestly  hurt a bit. Beds are supposed to be comfy.

"Fess up, tell him, its obvious"

"Yes, but how that's the question. What do I say? What do I do if he rejects me?" I start to worry, there is no way someone as amazing  as Shuichi  Saihara could have fallen for me, a petty liar.

F uck okay it took me like 3 months to update I'm s o r r y  but ha aha as I said earlier I've completely  lost inspiration for a bit also, I rewrote the first page, if you wanna go check it out cool do that but nothing  about  the story changed, just the writing  is s h I t.

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