Ch. 11 ouch..that hurts

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Kokichi's POV

I layed on my bed, sad I mean. I just saw a the boy I had the fattest crush on kissing someone that wasn't me. I wanted to erase my memory again. From what I've heard, when we erased our memories our personality changed. I bet my old personality was way better.

I cried for a bit because I thought he really loved me.  Hah, love can do all sorts of shit to you it can  make you cry out of sadness or happiness. It hurts.  Soon enough I passed out. I haven't gotten much sleep lately. I've been having nightmares. Mainly of my horrid past and the press.  The excruciating press.

Rantaro's POV

I was down stairs, kokichi abandoned me about  thirty minutes ago.  Kirumi is making Dinner with the help of Miu, Kaede, and Angie. I'm on my phone passing time waiting for dinner.  Kirumi waks up to me and I look up at her,

"Hey Rantaro could you go get Kokichi and tell him that dinner is ready please?" She asked me

"Of course" I stand up, shove my phone in my back pocket, as I wack away I hear a thanks and I nod.

When I get to Kokichi's room I knock,  after a few seconds kokichi opens the door, he looks  like he was just sleeping.


"Dinner is ready"

"Ok be down in a second" He closes the door and I go  back down stairs

Kokichi's POV

Bleh. Food. I don't wanna go.  I don't wanna look at Kaede
But I should eat something I feel my stomach screaming for food as I haven't had a proper mean in forever. I can tell I'm getting very skinny I really don't care at this point.
I fix my hair and scarf and head down stairs.

I get some food on my plate and slowly eat. Hopefully my stomach will shut up if I slow down. I know I should eat more but I really don't deserve it. I mean look at me. Everything that could be wrong with me is wrong with me.
I don't really speak. For once Miu dosnt bring it up which is nice.  After  I was done eating I cleaned up and went to sit in a comfy arm chair, pretending to be glued to my phonebut nah, I was listening to everyone. I like to over hear the conventions at the table to know what's going on with people, because if I try to talk to them they will immediately think I'm trying to get info for something bad.

I see Kirumi pull Rantaro aside after he finishes cleaning up.

I can't hear what they are talking about but Kirumi looks at me. Ugh. I hope it's nothing bad.

After a bit Shuichi sits down in the chair next to me and I get genuinely surprised.

"Hi Kokichi, a-are you alright? You look super pale... Uh.. Pa-paler than usual. " He nervously asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just tired" I lied

"Atua isn't quite sure about thaaaat" Angie looked at me  eyes looking concerned but her lips pouted.

"Why care?! He's a nasty Degenerate" Tenko yelled
Angie looked at her.

Ugh all the attention is on me now..

Shuichi sighed

"Yeah really, we shouldn't care about him, he's better off forgotten about." Maki said taking a sip of tea, ouch the sass. But really ouch that one hurt.  I wanna leave... I'm just gonna go. No one will notice..

I slowly creep away hoping to Fucking Atua that I'm not caught.

I over hear some stuff and really... Really want to cry

Shuichi's POV

"Seriously guys, let's be nicer, please. He's human too" I say
I really hope this isn't hurting Kokichi too much.

"Hahaha hahahaha wow  even if he is human, humans 0that shoulda been an abortion  don't deserve to be treated like one!" Miu snorted

"Miu no-"  I  was then cut off by Maki

"Shuichi do you remember you much trouble he caused? Forget about him"

"No! He also helped a lot! Did you forget?"  I say, defending Kokichi.

"How could a degenerate like him be helpful?!" Tenko asked genuinely confused

"Shuichi has a point. He did help us in more ways than one. He pointed directions to the mastermind, he also tried to end the killing game, though that failed it did bring us closer" Keebo stated

"Though I agree, he dose need improving, a lot of it" He continued

"Thank you Keebo, yes he needs more improvement but he did help and he can  change!!  People can change!! You need to remember! " I ended up half yelling, scaring some people.

I violently sat back down and looked over at kokichi, who wasn't there?  Damn, he's good at slipping away.

Hehe hi  this chapter came out super fast  still THANKS FOR OVER 1K READS AAGSVSVOHVDCDOHCSCOHSCOHSCHS 

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