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Eddie woke up from his slumber, he was in the hospital. He looked around only to become face to face with Richard Tozier.

"Wha-" He tried to speak but he was cut off by the Trashmouth himself.

"Shh, Eddie, everything's okay now. It's all okay." Richie whispered, this is probably the calmest Eddie had ever seen him. It was weird. Eddie then looked down only to see that his arm was gone.

Wait what the hell, his arm was gone.

Eddie screamed, only to immediately black out.


"AAH-" He covered his mouth, heavily breathing as he realized he was now in his bedroom.

"I-..It was a dream..oh thank god!" Eddie exclaimed, placing a hand over his chest.

"What happened?" Mumbled a tired Richie, sitting up right next to Eddie.

"Oh I just..." Eddie paused, he looked at Richie.

Richie's fucking arm was gone.

"HOLY SHIII-" Black out number two!


"IIIIIiiiittt..." He sat up in his bed once again, another dream!? What was going on?

"Okay so, Dad." He heard a voice next to him, he looked to his side to see Rebecca. His own daughter.

"Now that you're a Dilf, I really think we should get seductive and serious~" Rebecca bit her lip, winking at him. Eddie quickly backed away, screaming once again.

Only to have yet again, another black out!


"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Eddie screeched, that last dream was just plain disgusting. None of these are dreams, they're nightmares! Eddie froze, he saw a red balloon at the foot of his bed.

"Oh please, no." He begged, he hated red balloons and you all know why. Please not now. Not today.

The balloon popped.

"Hey Eds~" A sexy Pennywise in lingerie replaced the balloon.

"FUCK NO!" Eddie yelled, using his pillow as a shield, as he unsurprisingly blacked out for the fourth time.


Eddie immediately sat up again very horrified and hoping this would end. Nightmare after nightmare, he was getting sick of it! He couldn't take it anymore, he stood up and walked up to his door.

"I'm getting the hell out, dream or no dream." He grabbed the doorknob, yanking open the door, meeting eyes with...


"Edward! I love you and your straightness!" She moaned, throwing herself at him.

"Okay now this is just fucked up."

Black out five!


Eddie's eyes opened, he was in his bed, things seemed normal. Nothing at all was out of place, or weird, besides the pair of lips on the side of his face.

"Oh, Eduardo! Give me your jugoso carne~" You might need to google translate, but I'm pretty sure we all know who was talking at the moment.


"Why are you screaming?" Richie questioned, hella confused. Eddie paused, letting out a small groan.

"This isn't a nightmare. You're just horny."

"Fucking, damn right."


As you all can tell, I'm sleep deprived and cannot fucking sleep.

Have a great day!

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