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Emily's pov

  We stopped in a small meadow. The grass around my feet turns brown and withered from my nervousness, and I was taking some energy from it too. I felt a little stronger by the time a one foot radius of grass was midnight black.

  I shift my sword in my hand. It felt just right, light, but still heavy if that makes any sence. I remember Alex helping me with sword fighting, but the sword bulid was always wrong, either it was too heavy or light, too short or too long, too wide or too thin.

  The hellhounds spread around us, forming a circle. We form a smaller one in the center. I notice that one of the larger ones was infront of me.

  Lovely, I think as they all lunge at once.

  My instints took over from there.

  My sword came up, just to tear through the hellhound. Don't hellhounds listen to Hades and my father? Don't destract yourself. I chide.

  Another lunges at me, though it was a bit smarter than the last who was now a pile of dust that had exploded. He evaded me for a bit of time, even landing a somewhat deep scratch on my shoulder.

  It stung, but I ignored it until I had finished off the hound.

  I stand up straight and look around me. All the hellhounds were gone. My friends looked more tired yet I felt strangly reengergized. Must have been all the death. Dang, that should seriously creep me out, yet it doesn't. Not the strangest thing I've encontered.

  "Should we camp here or find another place?" I ask.

  Annabeth looks around, then notices my shoulder. "Hang on, let me help you with that." She says, grabbing something from her bag, a roll of gauze.

  I lift my arm out to my side as she works.

  "You're a really good fighter." Annabeth says, trying to start a conversation.

  I shrug my other shoulder. "Alex helped me out." I say quietly. An akward silence falls over the whole group.

  I see a woman walk forward, her clothes in rags with a large slit on her throat. I choke back a sob.

  "Mother..." I whisper.

  Everyone looks at me weirdly. Annabeth finishes off and I walk forward, my eyes not leaving my mother's gaze.

  If you wish to save the silver and gold souls, you must hurry. My mother says.

  I nod my head. "James took it hard, as well as I. Before you rest, please visit him." I say quietly, holding back my tears.

  I had hid my emotions, like always, but James is still young. Now, they came running back.

  A single tear fell down my cheek. My mother's hand reached out and a somewhat solid hand brushed it away. "I miss you, Mother..." I say quietly.

  I miss and love both of you, I will visit James, don't worry. I must leave now...

  I wanted to sob. I could feel her presence leaving. "I love you too..." I whisper as she disappears with a small smile on her face.

  "Emily? Are you okay?" Jason asks. I then noticed I was on my knees with my hand outstretched trying to reach for my mother.

  I pull my hand back and wipe my tears. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I say quietly, my voice cracking a bit.

  "Thy is most definitely not fine." Zoë says, crossing her arms.

  "Seriously I'm more than fine." I stand up and smile a eugene smile. "I just saw my mother."

  A/N Does this make up for my absence, @Meeping? Happy now!?

  I want to thank any of you who have stuck with me till this point, but I'm gonna ask something that will be 'so hard' for you all. I would like atleast three comments telling me you're out there and no @Meeping, that does not mean comment three times. Or five votes. Thank you guys! But seriously, unless I feel like being nice, I won't post until I get one or the other!


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