Who Now?

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Alex's pov

  My voice broke when I got to the last time I was tortured. I could remember Percy yelling, begging for him to let me go. I could remember the excurtiating pain. I could remember his cruel, cold laughter as another searing pain exploded across my back.

  My voice is stuck like gum to a shoe. I shake my head as my back throbs in pain, as if it too remembered what happened what only felt like days ago.

  Percy put a arm over my shoulder and I leaned into him, burying my face in his chest, thankful for the comfort. He continued on.

  Mom had tear trails down her face by the time he finished, his voice wavering but never cracking.

  Mom rushed over and hugged me tightly. "Oh I'm so sorry..." She whispers into my hair.

  Oh how I want to break down here and now. Oh just how bad I want to forget about everything and not turn back.

  But I can't.

  Not here, and definetly not now.

  Not while everyone depended on me.

  I was the strong one that went through anything and everything, but won't back down.

  I am a commander.

  My friends.

  My family.

  My allies.

  My troops.

  They all depended upon my brother and I.

  They needed us to lead them.

  I couldn't bare to let them down. That goes against everything I am, who I am.

  My Mom cries alittle and here I am, comforting her for something that happened to me.

  But I don't mind.

  I feel useful.

  I feel needed.

  I feel the exact oppisite that I have been feeling since End first layed a hand on me.

  I smile at my dear, sweet mother who could do know wrong. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'm still here, aren't I?"

  Percy gives me a look. I allow connection.

  Don't do that to me again.
  I give him a sad smile. Until this point, I've never felt useful. Percy, I hate to admit it now, but I will be first to aadmit, in that room, I felt it would be better for everyone else if I wasn't there... I mentally sigh. I still feel that way.., I finish, but I certainly won't tell that to Percy.

  Alex, you are a very important part of the team and my life as well as everyone else's. Without you, there just isn't fun in life.
  Isn't that what Leo's for? To make everyone smile? I ask.

  You don't get it, do you? Leo wasn't Leo when you were gone or in danger. No smile, no joke. Nothing. Just a blank face that was easy to forget.
  I mentally sigh. I look at Mom.

  Then I hear the door open. Percy and I quickly pull our hoods up. Percy grabs my hand and we disappear from sight.

  Mom looks confused. So does Paul. "Where did th-"

  We're still here, Mom. I set the thought in both of their minds. Their eyes widen.

  A boy, probably fifteen years old walks in. He looks like Paul with Mom's ever changing eyes. What...?

  "Hey Mom, Dad." He says.

  "How was school, Theseus?" Paul asks.

  "Oh, nothing's any different... but the teachers seem alittle worse now..." He sighs. Then I sence something off about the kid.

  I won't tell them about Bryan... can't he just leave me alone? His thoughts float to me like a broken record. Immedatly, I see his hand move to his side, but he does it casually as he leans against the wall. He whinces slightly, but not enough for Mom or Paul to notice.

  I glance at Percy who has a worried look on his face as well.

  "How was your d- Mom, were you crying again?" He sounds worried.

  Mom glances in our general direction, but I can tell just what she wants to say. Please show yourself.

  I glance at Percy and nod my head. We get up slowly and walk to the kitchen. Percy releases the invisabilty.

  We walk back to the livingroom, our hoods down. "Thank you for having us." I nod to Paul and Mom.

  "Who are you?" Theseus asks, wary sounding.

  I glance at Mom. "Theseus, you remember how I told you about my first two kids who went missing before you were born?"

  "Yeah...?" He still looks at us wary. He eyes the throwing knifes I have in my belt.

  "Theseus, meet your brother and sister, Percy and Alex."


A/N My grandmother is appeased. Though, I don't get to walk home until it warms up... *sigh* oh well.
  Oh, who's proud of me? Two updates in a row! Maybe even three, not making any promises though!

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