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' 'means it's the person's thoughts.


"Y/N did what?" Jacob says in shock from hearing you punch flash in the face.

"Yes, I did that so what," You say trying to move the conversation along , still on the same thing for 5 minutes straight.

"Can we move from this it's getting, boring," You say in an annoyed tone.

"No," Jacob says very bluntly with a huge evil grin.

"Please. I have something else very interesting other then breaking flash's nose, and making him run away," You say knowing what else will literally make him faint from shock.

"Then what is it?" He replies wanting to know what you wanted to talk about it so badly.

"Yesterday was a really interesting day and why didn't I see you out of school," You stall.

"Just get to the point" Jacob Beggs.

"Uh... Yesterday, I almost got mugged and got kissed by spiderman," You saying the last thing very softly.

"You what!" Jacob exclaims.

"Well, I guess we have to go our sperate ways," You going to your locker.

"You better explain after school," Jacob says sternly.

You get to your locker and notice peter there and decide to say hi.

"Hi, peter," You greet, peter as he turns and greets you.

"H-hi Y-Y/N." Peter stutters like he always does around you.

"Hey, guys," Ned waves as he joins the group.

"Hey, Ned," Both you and Peter say at the same time wich turns to both of you glancing at each other and blushing.

"Where's flash," Ned questions. The question breaks you out of your thoughts and makes you remember yesterday more clearly.

"Probably ran off and killed himself," You say out of nowhere then, noticed Peter staring at you like he was checking you out and blushing like a tomato.

"What?!" You say as Peter jumps out of his gaze.

"You did break his nose," Ned says in a blunt tone.

"So what. Can't I break his nose he is so annoying," You say making your point clear.

"W-why did you d-do it," Peter asks stuttering and blushing at the same time.

"Can't I punch flash to, help Peter?" You say adding the last bit softly.

"Anyways," You say trying to change the subject, "Is there anything else to talk about"

You just hear silence, "So nothing... Okay," You reply to the silence.
"Lets finally get to lesson," You say as you walk off.

Time skip to lunch.

"Hey, Pete," You say to Peter as you join the table.

"Hey Y/N" Ned greets you.

"Peter," You say trying to grab his attention.

"Yeah Y/N," He says.

"Can you help with my homework, cause I really don't get it ." You say extremely blankly while smiling and glancing at peter.

"S-Sure I o-owe you after what you did " peter stutters while nodding his head.

"How about your place after school" you suggest and feel your face slightly heat up.

"S-sure" peter stutters.

'God I find this boy so cute ' you thought as you started to stare at peter. You snap out of thought when you finally check the time.

Time skip.

You arrive at peter's and a red-haired woman opens the door "Hi you must Y/N I'm peter's aunt may come in" "Peter's in his room he wouldn't stop talking about you" may said in very bubbly tone. "Okay " you reply taking in everything may just said.

You go to peter's room and open the door without having a single thought to knock. You swing the door open and saw peter only in his boxers standing there you see it then slam the door shut. One thought was 'I never knew peter was so well built.' You face starts to heat up at the thought.

"Y/N you can come in now " you slowly open the door with your face being red from what just happened "sorry about what happened," Peter says blushing like a cherry.

"Can we get started? " you say breaking the silence.

"S-Sure, "peter says as you two finally get started.

Peter pov

I see Y/N asleep and think damn this guy looks really hot and cute. Then I remember that one night.


M/N was being mugged and web up the mugger and then take him in my grasp and pin him to the wall then lift my mask up to my nose and then smack my lips to his lips and kiss him, it took a second then he started kissing back as a thank you for punching flash, but I finally was kissing the guy I had been crushing on since he joined.

It lasted for a good 30 seconds then pulled away and ask him "are you okay" he nodded and had a look of shock and awe and thought of a really bad excuse then swang off. 'Did I just do that?'.

End of flashback

I hesitated and kissed Y/N on the forehead "I love you" then went on patrol. 'I really do love him ' while peter smiled and blushed in the mask. As peter jumped off a building and stared swinging through the air 'Does he like me? Should I tell him that I'm spiderman, I did pin him to the wall and kiss him'. That last thought stuck for a while.

Time skip.

Y/N pov

You wake up to the freezing night air 'shit I fell asleep here' you notice the window open and go over to shut it then hear a rustling then turn to see spiderman you just stand there in shock.

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