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Walking through a forest without Venom, I get pushed ahead, "What's the point of taking me this far?" I ask them.

They don't answer as they keep walking, I trip over with one of them catching me and turning me around to face them, one them points their gun at me to shoot me.

"Wow, I'm so scared someone's gonna shoot me," I say sarcastically, seeing a black thing behind him taking out one of the men, going to the next biting off his head.

"Well you're fucked," I blatantly state, as he turns around, as Venom bites off his head, it gets down onto the ground onto its feet looking at me.

It turn s to me kissing me as Venom comes back to me, peeling off of Peter.
Pulling off the kiss, "Did I just eat that man's head," My Boyfriend asks.

"You just ate multiple heads," I say beginning to walk to wherever Venom's taking me, Peter follows behind as Venom forms around me taking over.

I begin to run to the base as Peter follows behind, "Who the hell are we gonna boss fight too?" I ask Venom getting closer.

"Riot," Venom says.

"Lemme guess he's an ugly bitch," I say looking around, seeing a silver moon scatter light all over the place.

We get to the Life base, "What am I gonna do?" Peter asks as we see something break out of a control base.

"That's riot I guess," I say dropping to the base following the silver thing.

"Oh, you're ugly," I say seeing its face.

"He's got shit you've never seen," Venom warns as it jumps onto it to try and tackle it down.

It launches spikes out of its back and repeals us off.

Jumping onto the rocket and into it, Venom stabs the fuel letting pour out, dropping into the flame of the engine, it exploding as I black falling into the ocean.


I flop onto my bed with Peter, for the first time in a long time. The first time I won't be woken up by Venom at least.

Peter begins slowly, running his fingers through my hair, I sigh in content and fatigue.

"This is the first time, I actually feel calm in along time," I say hearing Peter's calm heartbeat, my head on his chest, feeling it slowly rise up and down.

"Yeah a long time, like three months" Peter reminds me of the time.

"We should get some sleep, especially you Y/N you need to rest its been a long time since you have," Peter caringly adds.

"I love having such a caring boyfriend," I say closing my eyes, to let sleep kick in.

"I love you Y/N"

"I love you too"

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