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Peter POV

I am swinging through queens feeling great but I feel like something will happen soon.

I see Y/N walking down the street and I start to slow down and stop beside him.


I see peter stop by and land next to me " Hi p-spidey " I greet covering up the slight mistake. "Hey Y/N" peter also greets in a happy tone.

" what's got you so happy " dragging the 'so'. "No I'm just in a good mood "he replies still happy.

"Should we go onto some rooftop spidey?" I say. "Sure," the hero says putting an arm around you and lifting you two off the ground and going to a nearby rooftop and setting me down.

"That still feels kinda weird " I also say. "You'll get used to it " peter reassured looking around to make sure no one was around, then took his mask off, walked over to the edge where I took a seat and sat next to me Letting his legs dangle over.

"So is there anything interesting to do because it is a Sunday morning, not much crime" peter sighed looking down at his feet. "Well, there isn't much either on my side other than going to the Life foundation place " I replied.
"That would be a bit boring though" I add.

"Should we go on a date or something ?" Peter also said with more confidence. "I don't know this is kinda like a date" "You know so confident as spiderman and so timid and shy as peter " I compliment leaning closer to peter.

"Really ?" The brown-haired boy asked with a bit of blush ."You look so cute when you get flustered you know that " then peter just leaned in and kissed me and I kissed back and it started to get a bit heated then I pulled back and peter put his mask on.

TIME Skip. By watching slender man.

Peter POV

We chatted for a while then I got a call from Mr Stark and accepted it.

"Hey, kid " Mr stark greet in a warm tone.
"Hi, Mr stark "I replied then I got a bit of a confused glance from Y/N.
"Do wanna come down I got something to show you " Mr stark questioned.
"Sure " I responded in a much more happy mood because I finally had something to do.
"Can I bring someone ?" I tentatively ask glancing at you hoping for a yes.
"Sure but who is it ?" Mr stark replies wondering who he wants to bring.
"I'll explain when I get there" I hurry not wanting Mr stark being ...... Whatever his reaction will be.
"Okay kid, see you at the base " Mr stark ends the call abruptly.

"Well I guess I will be meeting tony stark" Y/N says bluntly getting up and readying himself to met tony stark.

Once again I wrap my arm around Y/N and go to the base and land much better because he probably has gotten a bit used to it.

Your POV

So I landed at the avengers base and peter seemed tenser than usual.
"Spidey are you alright?" I ask snapping a finger in his face to get his attention he snaps towards me and takes his mask off, then I hear someone say "Hey kid! " In a joyful tone.

I look over to where it came from and see Tony Stark walking over to peter and glancing at me.
"Peter who did you decide to bring along and assuming you not having your mask on he must be a good friend"The billionaire questioned.

"H-he's my b-oyf-friend " peter stuttered and looked in a panic.

I step in to introduce myself "Hi I'm Y/N ." Feeling the tense atmosphere. Tony decides to change the subject "Alright let's get to the point of this sudden thing I needed to show you." Tony starts walking to what looks like a lab and then stands close to you.

"So you're Peter Parker's boyfriend or spiderman ... how does it feel ?" Stark asks with curiosity. "....... great actually at least I know that Peter isn't hurting himself if he comes back bruised or something," I say with awkwardness and fake confidence.

Then tony stops and presses a button on the side of his glasses. Two doors and I saw two holograms, one of a spiderman suit and what reminded me of the symbiote.

"There were two things one new suit and the-"I cut tony off "Symbiote." I simply said. "How do you know what a symbiote is?" Tony asked me inquisitively.

My mind suddenly went blank. "... My dad had a paper from the Life foundation" I suddenly blurted. Tony and Peter both looked at me in shock "WHaT" I say in confusion and dragging what. I just stand while tony looks like he is in deep thought.

"Kid, if you go there just don't touch the symbiote. He states sternly. I nod hastily not knowing what they could do.

Time skip. By me thinking about the stupid things at school. And then dying on the inside then plastering a smile on my face.

"Ok, that took quite some time, by the way, that new suit looks really good," I say then peter stares at me in confusion. And I just peck him on the lips and his look just gets a large amount of blush. You go and sit on a rooftop and realise you have been out for 3 hours.

"What is my life did I do to deserve you " I compliment and question. "Everything, especially punching flash it was actually really hot ." The brown-haired boy complimented.

"Why don't you ever defend yourself?" I ask which was a good question. "Because I don't want anyone hurt and anyone suspicious about me being spiderman.". He answered a bit confidently.

"Where does your dad work anyway's and how is he?" Peter added. "He works in the Life Foundation and he is .... well nice and can be over-friendly at sometime's " I answer literally.

Peter finally gets a crime ping up of a mugging and tells you to stay while he goes off.
"Wow a mugging in broad daylight and the way spiderman kissed me what a Strange ass life, with me being in love with a guy who is a male like myself. I wonder how damn confusing this is when is next thing interesting other than the so-called Event' damn how is my life like this???." I mutter to myself while peter is gone.

"What else is there to do ???? A lot now I finally am with peter." I stare off to the edge waiting for Peter and then after another minute he finally appears. "You took your time," I say in a deadpan tone.

He sits next to and lifts his mask to his nose and his lips trembles as if he going to say something and in deep thought. "Y/N, do you know how long I've l-liked you ." "How long "with my tone getting a bit warmer and shuffling closer to him.

"Since I f-first-ever talked to you " He responds with a bit of heat rising on his cheeks. "Damn Peter how cute can you get " I compliment, pecking him on his cheeks.

Time skip because I'm getting impatient and I think there may be too much happening pls tell me.

I check the time once more realising it is 1:00 pm along with peter.

"Spidey I should get going, " I say with a sigh.
"Should I drop you off?" Peter suggests and I happily accept.

He grabs on to me and swings to my place

I land outside of it and finally get back in and see dad working on the paper in much deep thought so I just quietly walked past not in the mood to talk.

I get to my room and one thought goes around my head 'what does a symbiote really look like not on paper.' Probably will find that out pretty soon.

Long chapter nothing else to really say but chapter 10 or 11 something might happen.

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