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"Y/N could you come here"

I hear my dad say. I turn and look over, to see him infused in his laptop with his headphones, his particularly good noise canceling one's.

I realese a breath, I didn't know I was holding. I get up dragging Peter with me and take his hand and walk over to the kitchen counter, where my dad stands infused in his laptop.

We reach the kitchen, and my dad notice's me, he quickly take's his headphone's off, and glances at me and Peter.
Then he points to the laptop screen, wich shows a frozen, greyscale image.

"Would, you take a look at this?" He asks, with a vaugly questioning tone and another undecipherable tone attached.

I lean over to it and press play. As I am watching it, I see me under the shrivled, old lady and throw her off of me and  me running through the guards as if they're nothing, I burst out the doors and the video stops.

Peter and my dad look towards me, "...I-" I begin to say something but pulled back by myself, I get pulled to the right, and begin to dart to the door.

I burst out of the door, breaking the lock "What the fuck?!!" I yell, out-loud, as I run down the stairs, turning, and crashing out the doors.

I get and see a pitch black starless sky, with only the moon gleaming in the sky and cars driving by.

I turn and run down the side walk, 'why am I running?, I'm not running but I am??!?',  I run down the street, past some dark store's, dark enough too see my reflection. I slow down to a halt to see my reflection.

I see white triangle like things, where my eye's should be. And black all over my face, large and long, white, prong like teeth. I reach over to my face and see my hand in a black dagger like thing.

A loud car honk, whips me out of my trance and I turn to look, and see a car hurterling towards me, as the car sped up as it got closer, I put my arms over my face and hand's outwards to brace for the impact.

But a black substance begins to build over me and hand's, face, arms. The car makes contact with me and I stop it, sending the driver, through the window and the car crushed.

My head darts around in all directions, in confusion and just plain shock. Then I feel something cling to me and swip me off my feet and pull me up onto a roof top where I get wrapped in a web.

Strange Love (Peter parker X male reader)Where stories live. Discover now