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... Taehyung

Sooji frowned at the name...


A vague face came to her mind. A boxy smile. A smooth face. Thin frame. 

No. It can't be him... can it?

Surely it can't be the Taehyung Sooji dated during high school years, the one that broke her heart, the one that promised everything for her but slept with different women for money? She still remembered how hurt she'd been when she heard the news of him getting another woman pregnant. 

Sooji balled up her fists. She could still remember his touch on her palm. It was smooth and soft, his deep voice soothing her when she got the nightmares. 

The one who turned out to be everything he claimed he wasn't.

She angrily tapped on the name and her eyes widened at their conversations.

"Holy shit..." Sooji huffed out a breath and flipped her hair out of the way. She set her elbows on the table and started to type. 


jm: hello

taehyung: oh so now you decide to answer me?

taehyung: after you called me 'hyung'?

taehyung: i'm sure you know i'm younger than you.

jm: are you dating jimin or something?



Taehyung dropped his phone on his bed as if it were on fire. 


Was he not texting Jimin? 

Who was it that was using Jimin's phone to text him?

Taehyung ran his hand down his face and threw his head back onto his pillow. He had mixed feelings of Jimin. He wasn't sure if he liked him. 


Sure he liked him.

Taehyung blew out a breath. He assumed that the person texting him saw the previous messages. 

"I mean... they don't know exactly who I am. Right?" He tried to calm himself. Okay. Okay. They didn't really know who he was. That's okay. Yeah. Sure.


Taehyung slowly picked up the phone with shaking fingers and started typing.


taehyung: no?

taehyung: you're not jimin aren't you?

jm: how clever.

taehyung: return his phone back to him!


Sooji snorted.

As if.


jm: i just want you to know to stay away from him.

jm: he won't ever like a person like you.

jm: so please stay out of the way, it'd be much easier

for the both of us. 



yum tea.

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