thank you

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before i write the last chapter of 'winter bear', i want thank everyone, especially a couple friends.

olivia: idk how u put up with editing like my old stories were so stupid long and yet you edited them. im probably gonna need u to edit 'winter bear' too but u are the best editor and friend ever even though u can be kinda stupid, jkjk ily.

mandy @sappypup :u were a furry but we dont discriminate in this household, u kinda got me into writing ff and ur so good at writing like wtf man. those were good times when we laughed at high comments. (go read her stories pls theyre rly funny) 

gabby: we laughed over the word bongo for an unnecessary amount of minutes in com tech and still cant figure out what that one drunk text said. that was rly fun and link soon pls :(

@ANGELJHS- : k like where do i even start dude u were supporting me from i dont even know when. i always smile whenever i see u comment and it just rly makes me happy. thank u for not giving up on me throughout this whole story, its been like a journey and u just stuck with me the entire time. we should talk more ngl :(

@VminIsLifexoxo : i dont rly know what to say except that i just felt like i should mention u especially because the support and positivity u give on 'winter bear' makes my day. u vote every chapter and thats rly sweet, we should talk hmu pls.

and thank you to everyone else thats read my book, recently ive seen a lot of people adding 'winter bear' to their reading lists and every time i see that i get rly encouraged and happy. to be absolutely honest, i dont know how this story is going to do after i move onto 'experiment 7' and stop updating but i hope it's going to go okay and it's going to work out.

have a great day everyone and again, thank u so much it means the world to me. literally. 💕💞💜



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