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Jungkook: oh my address is "Other Daegu Street 123"

jm: okay ty im on my way


Jimin rang the door and stood patiently, hands fidgeting a little. He didn't know how Jungkook looked like other than that one time Taehyung showed him a photo of them posing together. He heard the running footsteps toward the door and he stood up a little straighter. 

"HI JIMIN!" The door sprang open, revealing a bunny-toothed boy. 

Shit, he's cute.

"Uh- hi, Jungkook!" Jimin mentally face-palmed himself for being so awkward. He laughed shortly.

"Come in!" Jungkook seemed like he was the definition of energy, always bouncing up and down with his adorable, wide smile. Jimin stepped in and looked around.

The house is cute, like Jungkook-

Why does my thoughts always return to Jungkook?

"Jimin! Jimin!" He heard the youngers voice call him from upstairs and quickly jogged up. The moment he opened the bedroom door, Jimin was greeted with stacks of unwashed clothing, most of them discarded on the floor. Papers crowding Jungkook's small desk, a tiny bed off to the side. The dresser was barely noticeable, the clothes hiding it. What caught his eye most was the giant flat screen TV that took up most of the wall. Jimin raised his eyebrows at the sight.  

"Sorry about the mess," Jungkook raised one shoulder up to his ear in embarrassment and slightly smiled.

"Oh no, it's completely fine! My rooms like this too." Jimin immediately comforted the younger one and laughed it off. Jungkook hefted up a pile of papers in which was almost to his mouth when he tried to lift it.

"Is- is that all your homework?" Jimin gaped.

"Yep!" Jungkook looked over and flashed that wide toothed smile. Jimin blew out his cheeks.

"Let's get started then."


Jungkook rested his cheek on his hand, elbow propped on the desk. He didn't understand one single thing about English. 

Why would I need all these... ad... adverbs or whatever they're called.

"So when you're creating-" Jimin noticed Jungkook was staring blankly at the piece of paper. He chuckled at his pout.

"Don't understand?" Jimin smiled lightly and stretched. Jungkook shook his head.

"Don't worry about it, you could always use Google Translate now-a-days." They laughed. Jungkook looked out the window and all the night sky lit with stars and the lights from the city. It was beautiful, the way it just sparkled in the darkness and made everything okay. He didn't want this night to end, he just wanted to stay here with Jimin's soothing voice and stare out the window.

"Wow it's late. 11:00 PM already." Jimin's voice snapped Jungkook back to reality. He sighed and forced out a smile.

"Yeah, you should get going. We wouldn't want Taehyung all fussy and shit." Jungkook scrunched up his nose. "I can figure this stuff out. Eventually." Nearly falling off the chair from his numb legs, he walked Jimin to the door. 

"Thank you, it really helped."


"Thank you, it really helped." Jimin took a small intake of breath. He didn't know what was going on with him but the softness and how genuine Jungkook's voice was made his insides turn. 

Why am I feeling like this...

"No- no worries! You can text me anytime if you need any more help." Jimin waved goodbye as he walked to his car. As he got in, he found himself staring at Jungkook's smile...

Just a little longer.



woop i finally wrote something worthy of reading.

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