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Jungkook gasped, he saw a beaming Jimin stacked with chocolate and blankets.

"You actually came." He muttered, giggling to himself.

"Of course I came! We don't want a grouchy little Jungkook tomorrow morning do we? Not something we want to see." Jimin shook his head and tsked. Jungkook lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"Hey! I'm holding all this stuff here!" Jimin protested, wobbling a bit on his tiny toes. They both laughed.


Jimin stumbled into Jungkook's room, spilling all the little gifts onto his bed. He looked around the room.

Still so messy.

He started picking clothes up from the floor as Jungkook fumbled around in the kitchen for hot chocolate.

"Ew." Jimin whispered to himself, holding up a pair of underwear. Nose scrunched, he threw it into the laundry basket. Jungkook had a shit ton of clothes, so many it was scary. By the time Jimin was done picking up Jungkook's clothes, he couldn't see over the pile on his tiny arms and hands. He heard the younger start to climb the stairs and soon heard a surprised yell.

"Jimin! What the fuck did you just do?" Since Jimin couldn't see Jungkook's expression, he dumped the pile of clothes into where he assumed (and hoped) the laundry basket was. 

"Cleaning up for you, you're welcome." He stood up and patted his hands on his pants, making an exaggerated nose scrunch.

"I saw some things I didn't want to see." Jungkook's face went tomato. Jimin laughed.

"I'm kidding!" He skipped out to wash his hands.



Jungkook sat the mugs on his nightstand, looking around at his newly cleaned room. He smiled and shook his head. 


"JUNGKOOK YOU'RE CHEATING!" Jimin screamed as loud as his tiny lungs would allow.

"NO I'M NOT!" Jungkook screamed back just as loud.











Jimin threw his face into a pillow, letting out a frustrated scream. Jungkook crossed his arms across his chest defiantly. After exactly two minutes of Jimin refusing to lift his head, Jungkook's sighed.

"It's just Monopoly, Jimin." Jungkook looked at the ceiling and then back at Jimin.

"Fine, I'm sorry! I did cheat." He blew out a breath and peeked at Jimin through the corner of his eye. Jimin's face moved slightly in the pillow. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Happy?" He saw Jimin slowly lift his head up from the pillow and let out a smile.

"I win!" Jimin jumped up and did some weird-ass dance in the room. After he sat back down, an awkward silence made itself present and somehow the topic changed to:

"So... how are you and Taehyung doing? Would he mind you being... uh, here?" Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck. Jimin bit his lip.

"We're fine."

- - - >

"Where were you? It's so late," Jimin turned immediately at the sound of the lock turning at the door and shoes being taken off.

"It's none of your business!" Taehyung spat, wobbling on his feet. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. 

He wasn't like this before.

"You know I worry about you though. You wouldn't answer any of my call or texts," Jimin stood up, putting the tv remote down. He'd been waiting for Taehyung all night, refusing to sleep until he found Taehyung safe at home.

"I SAID IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, JIMIN! I'M BUSY AT WORK AND I CAN'T ANSWER YOUR SHIT BECAUSE I'M WORKING!" Taehyung yelled, shooting Jimin a deadly glare. Jimin winced, Taehyung had never raised his voice at him. Why is he acting this way?

"Did you... drink?"

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT PART OF 'IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS' DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? SINCE YOU AREN'T WORKING ANYMORE, YOU WOULDN'T KNOW, WOULD YOU?" And there it was. He crossed over the line. Jimin felt hot tears run down his cheeks and quickly ran to the door and grabbed his coat. 

"Fine. Be like that." He slammed the door and as he walked, Jimin cursed himself.

I couldn't even bring myself to yell at him... how pathetic.

He chuckled at how much he loved Taehyung. How fucking pathetic he could be.

- - - >

"We're fine." 

"Psh, anyone who says 'we're fine', or 'I'm fine', is totally not fine," Jungkook rolled his eyes and sat forward on his elbows. Jimin forced himself to laugh and seem nonchalant. 

"Oh my God, Jungkook. We're great, he just has a lot of work but it's okay. Honest." He smiled and pretended to rub his eyes to get rid of the tears trying to seep through. 

"Okay okay, whatever you say little man." Jungkook chuckled and glanced at the clock.

11:49 PM.

"Time flies huh." He smiled lightly. Jimin shrugged.

"Guess so." It was pitch dark outside, only the city lights and stars were visible. 


Jungkook suddenly had an idea.

"Hey! Since it's really dark outside, why don't you just stay over for the night and drive home tomorrow? It's dangerous driving at night, you might get into a car accident." He beamed at Jimin, hopeful.

"What if Taehyung gets the wrong idea?" Jimin bit his lip and looked down at his lap.

"He won't! I promise! Pleaseeeeeeee, if you leave I won't be able to sleep," Jungkook pouted, sticking his bottom lip out. Jimin let out a laugh and gave in.

"Okay, just for this one night." He slid down the bed to clean up Monopoly.

"YAY!" Now it was Jungkook's turn to do some weird-ass dance. Jimin smiled at the younger's buck toothed smile.


im so sick, my classmate told me that i sounded like a raspy old man. my voice wow great.

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