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Jimin felt the man being pushed away from him. The pain was terrible, he felt bruises coming in and warm blood on his forehead. 

"Run away, little girl or I'll beat you up too." The man threatened. 

"If you do, next week you'll be on the streets begging me for food," Jimin was astonished at the female's calm. Her voice steady as she held her ground. "So are you going to leave or do I have to call my lawyers?" There was a moment of silence then Jimin heard the loud footsteps and cursing of the man stomping away. Even curled up, he could feel that the female rolled her eyes. 

"You can get up now." Suddenly, her voice was so cold and uncaring. Like just two seconds ago she wasn't defending Jimin as he was getting beat up. When Jimin didn't move, she sighed and snapped,

"Are you going to get up or not? Don't be a wimp." Then she kicked Jimin lightly. He winced but uncurled himself and grimaced. As he sat himself up, Jimin got a full view of the woman.

She looked like she was just a bit over 5 foot, short. Her hair flowed over her shoulders like water, dyed blonde at the tips. She could've passed for an idol because of how perfect her face was along with her body structure. 

"Oh my God, I said 'get up', not 'sit up'." She rolled her eyes and grabbed Jimin's arm, not making any effort to avoid the bruises. She pulled him up and dragged to a nearby bench. There she dropped him and sat down, draping one leg over the other. 

That simple movement reminded Jimin of Sooji, it was something she'd always do when she was trying to seduce him.

"You're Park Jimin and I'm Choi Yueng." She introduced herself, not looking at you, instead opting for the dark lake in front of them. The moonlight reflected itself from it, making it shine softly with stars.


"Sooji told me." Yueng seemed to have prepared for this, for the moment she met Jimin. It sure seemed like it. Jimin furrowed his eyebrows. It was all too fast for him to process.

"Sooji? What do you-" 

"I'm Sooji's sister," She held up a hand, trying to stop Jimin from asking more questions. "Stop asking, it's making my head hurt." Yueng massaged her temples and took a glance at Jimin. 


As Yueng looked at Jimin, she saw all the bruises and cuts and bleeds coming from him. Her heart softened staring at him as he was trying to cover them up. Her hand reached out, intending to wipe the blood coming from his arm but stopped halfway. 


Her arm dropped and Yueng bit her lip. 

I can't fall for him again.


i wanted to make yueng the reader but i dont want to change the format so i didnt also im failing in school help me. double update.

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