chapter 15: The perfect make-up with the perfect guy!

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“That evil poo! But, I need to know, are you telling the truth or just lying?” I asked. “Cause, if you are telling the truth, that’s really great, cause I still….love you.” I said, embarrassed.

“I’m telling you, I would never do that to you! You’re too important to me. You’re my life!” Niall said.

“Oh really! I’m soooo glad cause I was really glad that you liked a loser like me!” I said.

I was overcome with emotion! NIALL AND I WERE BACK TOGETHER!!!!!!

“You’re not a loser, you’re my girlfriend and that’s all that matters. Oh, and by the way, what do you want for your birthday? Cause I have no idea!” Niall laughed.

“Being with you is the best gift ever!!!” I giggled.

I mean, I would like those really cute diamond earrings I saw the other day, but still, I think I’d like Niall better than some earrings!

“Aw cute, but seriously, I have to get my girlfriend a present!” Niall said.

I forgot he was my boyfriend today because I was really upset! How could you forget being asked out by Niall Horan!!! SO STUPID!

“No, seriously. It’s fine.” I insisted.

“Well, you may not want to tell me what you want, but I’m going to get you something!” Niall laughed.

“NO…ugh….fine!” I said, annoyed. “But nothing too, like, expensive.” I said.

“Oh, of course not.” Niall said. But he said it with a sort of cheeky, mysterious look in his eye, so I was kinda worried!

MIA’S POV* So like, Harry asked me on a date yesterday and since I’ve had a crush on him ever since they became famous, what else could I do but jump up and down and then I gave him a hug. He took hold of me and then gave me a kiss. OMG, the best kiss ever!

I sat thinking about yesterday, I mean, Harry asking me out and then the date. It was really cool, and magical and just really thoughtful!

Hey people. Waz going on? Went to the royal show today. It was really cool and awesome! I have serious writers block! Please give me some ideas and I’ll try to use them! See ya next time! BYE xxoo!!!!!!!!!

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