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After the fireworks had finished, we went back to the shore and we drove home. I decided to stay at Harry’s house. The other boys were there but I snuck around the back so they didn’t know I was there. I slept in one of Harry’s tops and then we jumped into bed.

“Goodnight Hazzabear!” I said, sleepily.

“Goodnight gorgeous.” Harry answered. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep in his arms, as safe as can be.

I thought back on the date as the happiest day of my life! Now I was dating Harry and Morgan was dating Niall. I can’t believe that the rest are single still! Seriously, Maya, Kyah, Lauren, Emily and Abby and Hannah would usually pounce on single people (especially famous people) but Liam, Louis and Zayn were still available! That is so totally NOT like them.

MAYA’S POV* “hahahaha.” Kyah laughed as she read her phone. “Waz happenin gurl? What are you doing?” I asked.

“Uh, nothing. I need to go to the bathroom.” Kyah said, like she was trying to hide something which is weird because we tell each other everything!

She walked off but the good thing was, she left her phone! YES! I ran over and grabbed it. I put in the passcode, (she talks in her sleep! She told me that at camp!) and looked at what she did last. It was messages and she was talking to…ZAYN!!!!! OK, I was just over reacting! So what if she was texting Zayn! I guess she was being nice! Well, I was hell wrong! They were flirting with each other! That evil girl! I threw down her phone and ran outside onto the porch where the lounge chair was. I lay down and started to cry. I can’t believe my best friend was flirting with my ex-boyfriend! EGH! I cried for about half an hour and was about to get a pillow and blanket so I could sleep outside when Louis and Zayn came up to the house.

“YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed at Zayn as I threw the lounge pillow at him.

“Get away from me you freak!” Zayn cried, as the pillow hit his hair. “AAAAGGGGGHHHHH, MY HAIR IS RUINED!” he screamed as he ran for the bathroom.

I hadn’t seen Zayn since we broke up and I wasn’t over it yet so I just had to do something! Louis looked kinda scared but sat down next me as I cried into the, now slightly dirty, lounge pillow.

Do you like it so far? It’s kinda gone a bit, how should I say it, SOUR! I don’t know what to do! I’m on part 16 of this story! So cool! Bye xoxo gossip girl. LOL! x

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