chapter 22: some...interesting information

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*Kyah’s POV*

The boys were coming back today after they went on a tour. I had kept in touch with Zayn and we were still ‘friends’ but you know, like, I wanted to be more than friends.

At school we had all been upset that they had gone and you know what, Liam left Emily three days after he had asked her to be his girlfriend! How unfair is that! You know, Morgan even went into depression.

We were waiting at the airport for them to come. We were going to surprise them by showing up to meet them. And I couldn’t wait to see Zaynie Poo when he lands from his flight from Australia.

“Oh my god, I’m gonna be able to see Niall!” Morgan squealed. “I haven’t seen my honey bun in months and I get to see him!” she was so happy, she hadn’t eaten anything all week! Pretty weird in a cute way!

People were just getting off the plane now and there they were, my Zaynie was there, in front of me, and I ran up and hugged with all my might.

“Zayn, you’re here. I missed you so much!” I squealed. Wait, oh shit, I’m dead, I can’t believe I just said that!

“I missed you so much Kyah! And I’ve been thinking, would you like to be my girlfriend?” he asked.


“HELL YEAH! I mean, yes, I would love to be your girlfriend!” I said.

“Phew, I thought you’d say no, since you’re so beautiful!” Zayn said. I blushed, Oh My God, that’s the sweetest thing ever!

I was so excited that I didn’t even notice that Niall and Louis were getting ‘cuddly’. WAIT, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! THEY JUST KISSED, ON THE LIPS, IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!!! Something is not right!

“LOUIS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Maya screamed.

“um… hi. I didn’t know you guys would be here, but since you saw us, I guess I have to tell you what is going on. OK…Niall, I think you have something to explain to these….lovely ladies.” He asid.


“Why do I have to tell her?!” Niall complained.

“Cause…you’re the older one!” Louis argued.

“Actually mate, you’re the older one!” Niall answered back. Hah, he had that coming!

“Yeah but I act younger than you so SUCK ON DAT” he shouted.

“FINE, we’re dating.” Niall said… and that’s when Maya and Morgan broke down.


hey guys, this is like, the best updates ever, 3 chapters in 2 days! MY NEW RECORD!!!!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not that you really care, but i wo't be able to upload for a while because i'm going on a small holiday but we'll see!

so this chapter's question is; what is your fav flower.

My favourite flower would be a rose because my middle names rose!

so anywhore, luv ya,


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