chapter 18/19: New beginnings

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“Hey now, what’s wrong girl?” Louis asked with a caring look in his eyes. There was also something else but I don’t know what it was.

“I,I,I don’t know. It’s just that, well, that was the first time that I saw Zayn since we…broke up…and…well…the thing is….Kyah and Zayn were texting each other and they have…like…a little ‘thing’ with each other…and I don’t like it!!!!!!!!!!” I cried, bursting into tears.

“Now, now. It’s ok. Just forget about him, he’s sooo not right for you!” Louis said, and he said it all in a high-pitched, squeaky, girl voice which made him look a bit gay! At least it cheered me up….. a lot!

“Thanks…gurl. I guess you’re right!” I said, thinking about he said, and I realized that Zayn was just a guy and she could always get another guy! Huh, how stupid was I!       was having a bit of a blonde moment (sorry to the blonde peps out there, it’s just a saying! :P). I sat there, thinking and daydreaming when Louis leaned in for a…well I was hoping, at first, that it was hug but I was wrong. I kinda panicked when he put his warm, full lips onto mine. It was magical, and if I must say (and I will say it) this was an even bigger display of fireworks. They exploded and I was thinking I was gonna faint. This was him, the guy of my dreams and I was only just a guy away! As I suddenly thought that, I was so excited that I found my ‘soul mate’ or whateva and I jumped for joy! Well, I was being pretty stupid (actually, more than pretty stupid, more like a WHOLE LOT OF STUPID!) and I fell off the lounge chair onto the porch and I fell on my arm! It really hurt and screamed. OMG, I think I broke my arm or at least sprained it. But I was thinking about the pain, I was thinking of the sudden, SUPER EXTREME lust for Louis’ lips on mine again! How stupid is that! I hurt my SOUL MATE, and I’ll never be able to live with that for the rest of my life! Well, maybe that’s taking things too far. I mean, he probably was just caught up in the moment, and that was the only thing he thought would ease the awkward moment! This is a really dramatic moment here, and if you’re laughing, you should be ashamed of yourself missy, or mr!

“OWWW, M-Ma-M-Maya, if I don’t make it, please let…my carrots know I love them!!” Louis cried.


“Chill girl. I was joking man!!! Don’t need to get your thong in a twist!” Louis said.

EW! “Um, for your information, I’m not wearing a thong! You are a disgusting human being!” I said.

“Hey guys. You ok. You seem to be getting pretty comfy there!” Liam laughed, as he walked up to the porch that we were sitting on.

“NOOOOOO WAY! THAT’S DISGUSTING!” I screamed off running. I ran around the house with Lou hot on my trail. I ran into the bathroom and hid in the bath. I heard footsteps outside and then the door opened. I ducked down and when I heard footsteps leave and leave, I poked my head up and someone grabbed me around the waist and started tickling me! LOUIS!

*Emily’s POV*

I sat on my bed, going through twitter. Seriously, I’m like kinda addicted to that thing, but who wouldn’t! I mean, it’s the fastest way to find out news… well, news about celebrity’s at least! But now, I am friends with 5 famous people, so that means I’m sorta famous too!... KINDA!

There was a knock at my door and it was pretty loud. “Come in.” I said. I wasn’t really in the mood to talk to someone but when Liam walked through the door, I squealed so hard… on the inside though. I have kinda got a… maybe just a LITTLE… crush on Liam, but I mean, half of the girls in the world have a crush. BUT AT LEAST I HAVE A CHANCE! I ACTUALLY KNOW HIM! I don’t know why I did that!

“Hey Em, what are you doing?” Liam asked.

“Nothing much.” I answered, casually, but on the inside I WAS FREAKING OUT! He gave me a nickname and it sounds sooo … is sexy the right word? ... yeah, so it sounded sexy when he said it. I just looooooovvvveeeee British accents!

“So Em, it’s up to you, but I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow?”

******OHHHH, CLIFF HANGER! sorry, i had to do that!

so, i didn't really want to upload more cause i don't like my story but, some people in my class said i should so, i wrote it cause i was bored!

I'm gonna ask you guys a question now so here's your first one....Who's your favourite One Direction member?

Mine would have to be LOUIS! YEAH MAN! :P

so, if you want you can comment me your answer.


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