ChApTeR 3

278 15 17

America and Canada stare at each other. No one dares make a move.

That is until America gets up and slams the door to the bathroom. Canada hears the door be locked. He doesn't know what to do. The last time his eye's changed colors was during the paleness.

Canada hears crying on the other side of the door. Canada stares at the little green puddle glowing in the darkness of the room.

Canada's attention is sharply brought back to reality when he hears dripping on the tile. He knocks on the door. No answer. He waits and knocks again. No answer.

"Hey, bro. I'm still here if you need help. "He hears the clatter of something metallic on the floor. He then hears suppressed sobbing.

Canada sits in front of the door unsure what to do. All he can do is listen to the sobs. He could try and break down the door but he's never been strong enough to pull off something like that despite his size.

Meanwhile, America was sitting against the other side of the door. To his right, you see a razor with slightly pinkish blood. He is grabbing his right arm that is throbbing as neon colors spread up his arm. His left arm was shakily cut with mentioned razor.

He heard his brother and that's what snapped him out of the cutting spell. It had to be that candle. There is no doubt in his mind.

He was stupid and now he's hurting his children yet again because of it.

And so, the two countries sit on either side of the door unsure what to do next.

The end~

Jk, not even close to enough words.

America woke up and looked around. He was still in the bathroom and he was surprised he didn't bleed to death. He wrapped his arms with bandages then gets up. He looks in the mirror and sees his glowing eyes. He felt a bit of disbelief at the fact that something like this was happening. Again.

He opened the door slightly and saw Canada passed out on the floor. He smiled gently and picked his brother up carefully before taking him to the guest bedroom and tucking him in.

After that, he writes his brother a note and puts it on the bedside table. He needs to clear his head.

He puts on his running shoes, and sunglasses and goes outside to jog. He usually would do literally anything inside the house because of the looks he would get.

Today, he just wants to clear his mind and think about all that's happening. He ignores the soft throbbing in his right arm as the color continues to spread. He sets out hoping that when his brother wakes up he isn't too freaked out.


Canada wakes up to the soft purr of the AC. He opened his eyes and sees he's in the guest bedroom.

Why was he here? Shouldn't he be-


He shoots up and was about to run out when he sees a note. He grabs it and calms significantly.

America's okay. He's on a jog. Well, he hoped that means America's okay.

Canada gets out of the bed and makes it out of habit. Hey, when you live with Britain you get used to it.

He makes his way past America's room and sees that the door is open. His gut tells him to go check it out be another part of him says he'll regret it.

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