chaptEr 11

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Go look at CreeperGirl7101 's fan art book for some amazing fanart!

The countries only noticed that something was wrong when they heard a loud scream of painful agony and loud rushed voices. Whatever they were expecting it certainly wasn't what they got.

Canada was the first to make it into the room. What he saw? Colorado was laying in a pool of his own neon juice twitching every so often while his 49 brothers try to help him.

Germany and Russia were next. They actually helped the sporadic states while Canada stood there in shock. Having like war flashbacks or something.

Colorado is rushed to the hospital and the others are driven there by the countries. Tears were thick on the faces of all the states working for their sick sibling.

When they get to the hosbital, they immediately rush out and all 49 asked where their brother was.

It would've been funny if it weren't so dire at the moment. The doctors at the front desk shocked at 49 small children asking for another small child.

The states were told to wait in a waiting room so they did. Canada was now furiously pacing, finally broken out of his earlier stupor. Germany just fingers the vile in his pocket silently praying the cure will work.


Bad guy's POV

Everything was going exactly as planned. America was nothing more than a puddle and before his states could reform the trap snapped down and one of the states was sick. Now, slowly one by one each state will die until America is nothing more than a name in a textbook.

The disease was working as it was intended. Now, to mass produce it. No one will be able to stop them once they are all dead. No more enemys because they'll be dead. No more working for higher ups when they will be working for us. No more countries to fight you if they're armies are dead.

This plan was going to work. They could almost taste it. Once the rest are gone they will be the one reigning supreme and have the others groveling under their foot.

"Sir, your doing another monologue. This isn't Shakespeare you know" the voice of the scientist said boredly.

"Ah, so you have finally arrived! You've seen the results of our experiment, yes?" The evil dude states

"Yes, everything is exactly as you planned. What do you want me to do now sir?" The scientist asks

"I think you know" the evil dude says with a hint of mischief.

"Right away, sir. " The scientist says a glint in his eyes. He then leaves the dude alone.

"Soon. Soon this world will be mine and only mine" they whisper.


??????? POV

My name is #&#&%*#*×, or simply White Fox. No one knows of my existence. I don't have to worry about silly humans as much as the others so I've started to do other things with my time.

I recently snuck into this dark organisation that hides it's self very well. But not well enough to hide it from me. It was easy actually just hail to the big lord of this place and boom your in.

I was placed in the lab. I watched as they took the original flower from the paleness and extract the very essence of it. They also had a vial of black blood for some reason. How they got their hands on these things is a mystery. Even to me.

But, when they made the new one. I wanted to gag. They were going to kill of so many countries just so they don't have to hide in the dark anymore.

The new one was made and I found out the first victim. The United States of America. I didn't mind the guy. I even have a few of his people visit from time to time.

When I heard what became of him, I couldn't say I was sad but I knew that this couldn't happen again.

So, I toke a tiny bit of the virus and started to make cure. Progress was slow as I could never find a truly safe place to discreetly work on it.

I think they noticed I was doing something. I felt their eyes burning into my skull all the time I'm in the lab. I need to be extra careful.

Today, the news that the second phase of the plan was going smoothly spread like wildfire. The states were going to be brutally killed one by one all because of these people.

I start to find more time for a cure. They've started to trust me enough to give me my own space in the lab. Especially, when the big man himself ordered us to get working on duplicating the virus for future use at the masters pleasure.

I started breaking down the virus more and more. It was made of simple things and things that I've never even seen much less heard of.

To not arouse suspicion, I made my own version of the virus. It was less brutal and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference until much later in the process.

I became trusted by the main scientist dude because I made the virus faster than the rest. People are so easy to manitpulate.

While I might not have a cure, I do know that I will have one. I need to work on it more.

If I'm fast enough, I can save the poor state that has been infected before it dies.

I don't like the American and I don't hate him either. But, the world needs him alive and the only hope of achieving that is to finish the dang cure.

It will work when it needs to. I know it will. I just wish I could put a stop to the ticking clock before it all got out of hand.

At this rate, it'll get out of hand in a few months at least. That, is what I'm trying to stop.

A/N- Hope you liked it! I wrote most of this in my off period as I have nothing to do. Though, I edited on my phone so it's even worse quality than usual. But, I guess it didn't have a high standard to start with.

Au revoir!

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