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Germany was focusing intently as a drop slowly dripped out of the dropper. He was trying to make a cure for America.

The drop falls into the current solution and it starts to bubble. 'That's not good.' Germany thought before the solution blew up in his face.

He sighs and takes of his safety glasses. He looks around America's garage that has now been claimed as his laboratory.

He cleans the glasses with a slightly dirtied cloth that has clearly been through some things. Another failure, he was so close this time. He had been taking the results of the failed experiment and compiling them into one idea.

He's sure to get it soon. He straps the glasses back on and starts working.

*insert epic scientific montage that we are to broke to produce anyways*

Germany was crushing a special type of grass as a finishing touch. He added the grass and the thing started rapidly expanding until the bubble popped causing yet another explosion of slightly slimy pink goop.

He sighs and cleans his glasses again. There was something he was missing. He couldn't figure it out. He's made it so close to actually solving the problem but then one ingredient would make the attempt fail.

What was he missing? If only he had a guide or something to help him figure this out. Last time he had the journal to help him. Wait, the journal. He's pretty sure he brought it just in case.

He quickly leaves the garage and starts going through his things. He knows he packed it somewhere.

He packed it because he knew it could prove useful in making the cure. Their was a constant voice in his head telling him to move faster. America was dying rapidly and if he doesn't save him in time who knows if he can get a get out jail free card again.

He shakes the thoughts away as he pulls out the journal that his father wrote in. He opened to the cure page hoping it had some sort of useful info.

As he read, he took mental notes of what might prove useful and what was totally useless to him.

He goes back to the garage and writes this down neatly in his journal before starting to come up with a new cure.

Maybe, if he combined the ideals of the last cure and find a way to make a stable version then he could save America before all the drama starts all over again. He was so devastated when he learned he couldn't save America. This time is different.

Germany has his Eureka moment and starts scribbling the idea in his journal. Maybe, if he changed a few different things it'll make a stable cure for America.


After the first few start the crumble everyone else starts to crumble just that much faster.

America still blames himself but he hides that for his states and will sit with then as they wait for uncertain doom.

Their wasn't any certainty if Germany could find a cure but their was certainly hope. If you are stuck watching your family crumble then hope is the only thing you have.

America looks out at his children. They were clearly broken by this. You could see in their faces they're giving up hope. America just hoped that if he dies then his states will live on.

"The draft is doing well. We shall immediately start reproduction and someone please get rid of that wanna be scientist. We don't want him to find a cure now do we" a voice orders coldly

Russia sighs as more states randomly appear. This is gonna add up quickly. Russia grabs his phone and starts scrolling through all of his contacts.

He finally reaches Canadas contact and presses the call button. He leans against his kitchen counter watching the states.

The phone rings about three times before picking up.

"Hey, this is Canada" Canada says cleary not having it.

"Hey, it's Russia." Russia says watching the states.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting you to call" Canada says

"Well, I've come onto a bit of a situation of sorts." Russia says

"What do you mean?" Canada asks

" Well, remember last year when America's states started randomly appearing in my house." Russia says

"Yeah?" Canada says mostly because I need more words.

"Well, I have states randomly appearing again" Russia sighs glancing up at the snoozing states again

"Well, fu-" Canada starts before thinking better of it.

"Yea" Russis says

"Well, didn't they appear where ever you were?" Canada asks

Russia thought back to last year. He remembers how new ones always seemed to appear at his house. Well, maybe one time when he was walking to the hospital more showed up. So, he's gonna assume for what ever reason that the states will appear wherever he is. In his thoughts, he didn't hear Canada try and get his attention.

"Yeah, I think they go where I go" Russia says finally

Canada makes a noise of acknowledgment. "Then, you should bring them here. They are probably desperate to see their father"

"What's the story behind that anyway?" Russua asks

"Oh, America touched another strange thing he should've" Canada says

"Sounds like America. He's gonna actually die one of these times" Russia says

"Yeah, then we can engrave 'Ah sh*t here we go again' on his gravestone" Canada says and the two countries laugh.

"Well, I'll be there soon. Could you send the address because I don't know where the frick America even lives" Russua stressed

"Oh. Crap, I'll send it now" Cabada said scrambling to find the address.

Russis gets the address and wakes up the states calmly telling them their gonna go visit their father. They seemed bittersweet about that but were still happy to see their father even after all that's happened.

Thus, starts the journey of Russia and like 10 states to the place America lives. Well, the hospital first but same difference. What do they do when they get there? Well, your gonna have to read and find out won't cha.

A/N- Hey, sorry this is like so so late. It was homecoming week this week and so I was busy with Marching Band and school so I didn't write that much. I'm gonna try and get back in track.

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