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America got to his new place that's just a little bit far from home. It would be different, but he needed a break. He grabbed the stuff that he needed now and left the rest to unpack later. Later means after he checks out the house because he's a bit impatient.

He walked in and placed the box down gently. He went into the house and started thinking about what furniture would fit in each place. A bookcase would fit perfectly in that corner. He could maybe put in like a coffee maker in that tiny slot on the counter.

He made it into the living room and saw a carved candle that was made of neon colors. It sat on the floor perfectly centered in the middle of the room. It wasn't dusty and looked like it was recently placed there for someone dumb enough to touch it. Now America can be very smart but sometimes he can be the dumbest country ever. He felt a familiar pull towards the thing. You know like that flower that gave him an illness. That almost killed him and his mother. But who remembers that right?

He started moving towards it. No, Canada said not to touch strange things. He stopped despite himself and thought. Canada made him promise not to touch anything strange and this probably counts as strange. He did say flowers specifically though so this is fine. (You think he would learn) He starts going towards the candle.

He touches the candle with his right hand and nothing happens. He shrugs. Just a normal candle. He grabs it, walks back to the moving boxes and throws it into one of the boxes going to the attic. He didn't like using candles anyways.

He goes back and grabs his box and starts to move into his new home. He puts some of his stuff away. He checks his phone and sees a text from his brother.

Canada: Hey, hows the new place.

America: It's great! It's exactly what I imagined.

He put his phone down after that. Maybe he shouldn't tell Canada about the candle. Yeah.

He then let's Sam out and the cat goes around sniffing the new area. Sam then proceeded to look at him.

Now that he's moved in he should go meet the neighbours.


Canada just got a text from America. Good to know he's alive.

Though Canada has this odd feeling that America has touched a strange-looking Neon candle that was randomly in his house and was unknowingly giving himself yet another illness. Huh, just a hunch.

America: It's great! It's exactly what I imagined!

Canada: Glad you're okay.


*Warning Homophobia because I'm a sadistic little sh*t and I like to torture characters*

"Have you heard the news?" a country whispered

"What?" another country whispers back

"The United States of America has moved into our neighborhood" The first country whispered

"Isn't that country full of those disgusting gays?" The second whispers furiously

"I bet he's gay himself. I can't believe they let someone like that move into our happy little community!" The first whispers just as furiously

"Hey!" Says a third country who you all know.

The other two look at America like he has the plague or something.

"Ew" One says under their breath

"Yea, fag?"The other says

"What?" American says

"I called you out for being a fag, now what do you want?" The first country says with venom

"I just moved in, what have I done to you?" America says and the two countries laugh.

"Simple. Your presence is annoying, you disgusting fag" The first says and the second nods.


Now, America has never thought about his sexuality he does know that many of his citizens are in what they dub the LGBTQ+. Sure he likes guys a bit but he doesn't hate girls. He stares at the wall for a bit trying to think of a time where he liked a girl.He drew up a blank.

Eh, he's thinking too hard anyways...


Over the next year America's new neighbours would continue to harrass him in different ways. One time their was a rainbow flag burning in his front yard. Another time they dumped buckets of rainbow paint on his lawn and laughed when America found out. (What a waste of paint) Other times, It wasn't as strait forward.

They would send him various things in the mail that ranged from homophobic slurs to death threats. They would also send various less than desirable things. Yeah, we don't talk about those. They not only sent him terrible things. They sent things to the other people in the area that made America look bad.

They spread rumors around town and everywhere he goes someone is glaring at him. He can't even eat at some places because of these rumors. Yet he keeps all of this from his family. America acts like everything is fine. He didn't tell anyone about this happening. Which is an odd decision but America was under a lot of abuse.

America's mental health isn't the only thing deteriorating. Undenowest to him half of his states have started to glow neon. They are worried that this was like the paleness but worse. They were more worried for their father as they watch the abuse his new neighbors are laying on thickly.

Overtime America began to believe that he deserved this. He let the abuse pile up. He had given up on fighting. This is of course very unlike the country. When he visited his family he put on a shell that almost no one could see through. That doesn't mean someone isn't suspicious more is happening with America than he is letting on. That someone is of course Canada.

Canada already plans a surprise visit for his brother. He has to figure out what's wrong. He didn't know how else to help his brother. He just hoped it wasn't another illness eating at him because last time was... He doesn't wanna talk about what happened last time.

Now, who are these two countries? Well, honestly I'm still kinda new to the fandom and don't know who so I'm asking you guys for help. Sorry, I just don't know what I'm going to make the two countries.

A/N- Sorry I haven't updated. I felt like crap Friday and Saturday I still felt like crap so I'm updating this now. Sorry about the wait! Now I must go apply aloe vera since I got burned fundraising. Alex, don't kill me. I sighed my soul away to the marching band. I can't die until I graduate.

Yea, this is probably the worst thing I've ever written and everyone's gonna abandon this story before it even starts.







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