cHaPtEr 4

269 11 39

"So, what did America do this time?" Germany asks

"I didn't even say anything" Canada states

"I just assumed you're calling me because of something America did," Germany says

"Well, you're not wrong," Canada says looking down slightly

"So, what did he do this time?" Germany asks

"Well, uh, I think he has something like the paleness but instead of turning well pale, he's turning neon"

"Odd. Do you know what he did to contract this illness?" Germany asks

"His journal said something about a candle" Canada sighs

"I'll have to look into it," Germany says and Canada looks away "But, there is more?"

"What makes you say that?" Canada says

"You sighed after completing one problem making me believe there is more," Germany says

"I'll never understand your logic." Canada looks at the door "but yes, there is more"

"Yes?" Germany says expectantly

"Well, I don't know all the details but I think his neighbors have done something to him," Canada says

"Hmm? Why do you say that?" Germany asks

"Well, ever since he's moved here he's been... different. When I got here, he had nothing in his kitchen. I think he's starving himself. " Canada takes a deep breath before continuing. "Not only that, but I think he's been cutting himself as well."

Germany is quiet on the other end making Canada think he might've hung up. The only sound is his heart beating in his ear as he holds his breath.

"Wow," Germany says finally and Canada releases the breathe.

"Yeah, but that's just scratching the surface," Canada says

" Tell me everything," Germany says

"Let's see, "


America looked at his reflection in the mirror. His arm was completely neon now. It was throbbing painfully and America was afraid to see if the damage was any worse.

He hesitantly grabbed the hem of his shirt and shakily pulled it off. He closes his eyes and tossed it to the side. He takes a deep breath and opens his eyes.

His breath hitches at what he sees. The neon has spread onto his chest and is now spreading rapidly. The color swirls around is almost artistic curls. His flag is now also getting the neon treatment. (Look up at my crappy drawing for a better idea of what it looks like)

He breathes out a breathe harshly like it was painful. He tries to take a few deep breaths but his breathing is becoming erratic. He falls onto the floor and curls up. The walls start to close in on him making it feel even harder to breathe. His breathing is erratic and shallow. Tears stream down his face making the color there go with it leaving a trail of neon where his neon tears were. Even his damn tears are neon now!

Everything is neon! His eyes, his arm, his flag. He suddenly remembers how to breathe and starts to calm down.






Neon (COUNTRY HUMANS)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now