chaPter 9

145 6 6

A/n- Heyo, I'm not dead. I survived the 19° weather somehow. This story exists. And for some reason people wanna read it. What's up with that? They've grown impatient with you.
Yeah, update.

America wasn't doing great. His arm was cracking more and the doctors had to use sunglasses just to check in him. Visitors can enter at their own risk.

Canada had purchased at least 50 pairs of sunglasses. Their was so many people that were gonna be seeing America.

Canada was putting away some groceries in America's house as America didn't have much to begin with. That's when a knock on the door came. Canada hummed to himself as he opened the door to see Russia with about 15 small children with him.

"Here you go" Russua says placing Florida and a few others he was carrying.

Total lost so far:
•New York
•South Dakota
•North Carolina
•Washington State
•South Carolina
•New Mexico

Wait, where do the extra five come from? Well, they just appeared on America's couch.

The states rushed inside the familiar home giving a bit of comfort. They all curled up in a 20 state cuddle pile. Canada and Russia both looked on unsure how to transport all of them.

Suddenly, another five appear. Texas, Idaho,Missouri, Alabama,Wisconsin.

The two countries decide to seperate the now 25 states into 2 cars as their was like 5 cars now. They were still packed. They took them to the hospital and passed out the sunglasses.

France and Britain stayed in case anymore states randomly appeared. So, you see Two countries and 25 children walk into a hospital. Might as well have a small army.

They all go to one room that now has blackout blinds sunglasses in hand. Clearly ready for what's ahead.


In Americas head, he has completely shut himself off from his states. He will stare blankly at nothing for hours before moving slightly and starting at a different nothing for hours. The remaining 25 tried everything to get America out of this endless cycle. He seems to just be waiting for the inevitable.

5 more just left. 20 remain.


Germany sighs as he waits. The cure in theory should work but he isn't sure what form it would take. Probably, a candle as that is the main method of administration.

He checks his phone and smiles at a text from /withdrawn. Use your imagination/. He then looks up and sees the elegant but simple candle. He grabs it and goes outside getting in his car. He drives to the hospital. He might've picked up some more states on the way.


America's heart rate stops and he starts convulsing cracks spreading rapidly. The current 25 start yelling since they were scared. Russia dragged them out not wanting then to witness this.

The Doctors came in and immediately got to work. They did the best they could but nothing seemed to help.

The states that were still with America were forced out rapidly as America started to crumble.

A/n- Sorry it's half the length of my usual chapters but I've run in to a bit of a writers block. At least, with this story. I have so many ideas buzzing around but I'm unsure how to put them down. Sorry.

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