Chapter 2

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Canada got to America's new house in a small little neighbourhood. He wanted to figure out was was happening with the other country.

America has been wearing a 'mask' every time he comes home. Now, Canada must figure out what happens here that they don't know about.

He goes up to his door and reads a sign that says "Doorbell broken, yell knock knock really loud or knock on the door"

Though it was temping to yell knock knock, Canada decides to knock instead.

His brother open's the door and you can see the surprise. He obviously did not expect Canada to randomly show up. Then again who does expects someone to randomly show up at their front door.

"Hey brother, why you stopping by so unanounced" America says with that stupid 'mask' on. That smile is so fake that anyone with eyes should be able to see through it.

"I just wanted to see my brother. We all miss you."Canada goes into the house.

He looks at America. He is way to skinny and has bandages that looked freshly wrapped.

"Well, good thing the guest bedroom is open then" America takes Canada's stuff and takes it to the room.

Since he was left alone, Canada looks around. It was definitely America's decorating but their was this cold feeling that Canada couldn't get over.

He goes into the kitchen and sees it's almost completely empty. Has America been starving himself? No, he wouldn't do that..

Would he?

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some groceries" Canada calls and he hears America make a noise of affirmation.

He leaves the house leaving America alone to his thoughts. Which might now be the best idea considering his mental state.


America went downstairs and sighed. Canada was gonna make him eat. But he would get fat. Oh well, he'll just have to loose it all again.

"HEY FAG! You home?" Screamed country one. He's been calling them Un.

"No, I'm not" America says to himself and hides.

"We know your there!" The second one says. America's calling him deux.

Well, f*ck. America looks outside and sees Un and Deux.

"We want to play a little game with you. You can't refuse fag or we will do x, y, and z to you." Says Un

America didn't like the sound of this. Then again he didn't like much of anything anymore.

"Come outside little fag" Deux says chillingly

"I'm good, thank you" America says

He heard Un order Duex to go get and I quote "the little fat piggy out of his little straw house"

A few seconds later America hears someone pounding on his door. He gulps because he knows that he is f*cked.

He opens the door and gives the angry Deux a nervous smile. Deux however is not impressed by this.

He grabs America by the shirt and dragged him out of the house. America can only be pulled as he doesn't have a fight in him. Not anymore.


Canada meanwhile was finding all the food that they would need at the local market. Then he found the maple syrup.

Sorry, what maple syrup?

Canada goes over to the cash register and puts all of his items on the conveyor. Including all hundred something bottles of maple syrup.

"Hey, haven't seen you around honey" a nice looking old lady at the cashier said

"Oh, I'm visiting my brother"Canada says

"Well, I hope you have fun in our small little town" said the lady still scanning maple syrup.

Canada puts all of his syrup and other foods in a cart and takes it to the car. He unloads everything and puts the basket away. Then he drives back to America's place.

When he gets there he sees two unrecognizable country's having a heated conversation with America.

One of them pushes him and Canada thought they were done for. Unfortunately, the reality was that America was pushed down and was kicked repeatedly.

"We need to get out of here. His brother will be back soon." One hisses under his breathe.

The two run leaving America to his pain. Canada just sat there stupified by the exchange.

America got up and limped in to the house muttering to himself. Canada couldn't understand what he was saying but his lips read 'stupid- piggy- fag'.

Canada, now not transfixed in his spot, got out of the car and grabbed the groceries. He went inside and put everything away. He quickly chugs a bottle of sweet,sweet maple syrup.

He then decides to look for America. He looks almost everywhere and can't seem to find him. He hears a clatter from the bathroom in America's room.

He causiously goes to that door. He knocks gently and he hears another clatter as something is thrust into the trash.

He hears the frantic wrapping of some bandages then the door opens. America is looking at Canada like nothing has happened.

"Hey, brother" America says as cool as can be.

"Don't 'Hey, brother' me. What's going on with you?" Canada says and America's mask falls for just a second.

America idly scratches his bandages as he thinks of some excuse to convince his brother he's fine.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm perfectly fine as always" America used the gosh dang freaking fake smile again.

"You don't have to be fine all the time! You can feel like everyone else. You have feelings! "Canada says

America looks slightly confused as to what Canada says. America just stares at him blankly. It's as if he forgot English or something.

Suddenly America has his head in his hands and he falls on the ground screaming painfully. Canadas eyes widen and he kneels next to his brother.

"Hey. Bro? Are you okay? What's wrong? What's going on? Hey!" No, he has to stay calm. He shouldn't yell it could make it worse.

He can only stare as his brother as he screams in pain. He is now rubbing his eyes harshly trying to get the pain to go away. He sees something that looks like glowstick juice(?) drip from Ameica's hands.

America slowly takes his hands away and looks at Canada. Canada's eyes widen. His eyes they're.....


A/n- Thanks for reading! Should update soon but no promises.

*mutters* don't know why you guys like my story so much.



















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