Chapt3r 13

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Nothing happens. The machine keeps beeping at the same pace. Colorado's chest rises and falls the same. It's as if it never happened. Germany is the first one to react as he launches backward. He runs into one of the others causing a sort of domino effect as states fall onto each other and eventually push Canada who looked about ready to pass out from holding his breath. Germany is horrified as that should have worked.

What were they gonna do now? Colorado's health was rapidly deteriorating and there was nothing they could do about it. Or so they thought. No one saw the country we know as Snow Fox watch them from a safe distance.


Meanwhile, with Un and Deux who are complete a**holes.

Un and Deux were conversing as they just came from a vacation to someplace in Europe. Where doesn't pertain to the story in any way and is completely useless for you to know. So, it has promptly been removed from the story. After that, they hauled their suitcases to their separate homes.

They both decide to give their neighbor a "nice" visit. By visit, I mean the usual insults and physical harm. Nether knew that America had gone to the hospital or that he died during the time they were gone. Un because they were to busy doing whatever insignificant a**holes do and Deux. Well, Deux is just a dumba**. Neither would be prepared for the sight that would behold them when they knocked on the door of the house.

The door basically slammed open and an angry Brit was glaring at them. He was grouchier than normal and was grumbling something about tea. The Brit was in fancy-ish old looking night clothes as he was a 'proper' man. This of course, just lead to America calling him ancient all the time. He very well can't do that now, however.

The two idiots at the door were beyond confused as the old looking severe man that looked like he wanted to snap their necks. He was still glaring into their souls. Deux was being the usual dumb idiot and was hiding behind Un who looked about ready to sh- poop himself.

"O-oh, Y-you aren't A-America" Un stuttered and Britain deadpanned at him.

"Wow, really? Didn't notice" The Brit said

"W-where is the d*m idiot anyways?" Deux asks dumbly making Un kick him

"What did you just call my son?" Britain said again with a menacing aura scaring the two in front of him sh*tless.

"D-don't m-mind him. He-he's just an i-idiot" Un said

"Hey!" a pause "actually your right"

"I have a feeling that you two a**holes are behind my son being severely underweight and having several scars all over his arms. I don't appreciate it when someone messes with my family" Britain said with a smirk on his face. He cracked his knuckles and attacked.

Let's just say the two idiots didn't know the true meaning of pain until that day. After...that the British man slammed the door in their faces and went to make tea as he hadn't had his morning cuppa.

The two scraps of what might've been beings clawed their way to Un's house. Un opened the door and passed out on the floor, Deux followed and closed the door weakly before passing out as well. Deep in the basement, one could hear the faint sounds of meowing.

Time skip~

The idiots awoke with a start. Their bodies ached like heck and they felt like curling up and dying in a pitiful ball. They seemed to have finally learned something. However, their punishment is yet to end(Evil laugh).

They heard loud yowls and Un groaned as he got up. "We got to feed the creature"

The slightly more intelligent idiot made his way down the stairs. Well more like stumbled. The other well, he just fell down the stairs and landed face first making the other facepalm. Then, Un grabbed what looked to be a cat dish and filled it with food.

Then he placed it in a cage and watched a frail-looking cat stalk from the shadows and glare at the two idiots. This cat was known as Sam or for those of you who don't know America's cat. The cat ate the food and glared severely at the catnappers.

Shortly after the abuse on America started, they snuck into the American's house and catnapped Sam. To say America was horrified would be an understatement. He yelled looking for Sam until his throat was raw and his voice cut out. Then, his depression only spiraled from there. His raw throat prevented him from speaking as much as he once had before.

Sam, had not faired much better as the cat had heard his owners screams and had tried to claw through the metal cage to no avail. The cat had eventually given up and had begun to sulk in the darkness of the cage. Only moving to eat and use the litter box.

Un always complained about the responsibility but the idiot brought this upon himself as he was the one who catnapped Sam. Deux. Well, Deux's just stupid.

The cat, however, seemed to lighten at the state of his captors. He liked the fact that they had a taste of the pain they had put his owner through. Sam, however, felt they deserved more because of all the evils they've committed.

Flashback brought to you by my procrastination~

America was crying to himself on the couch. They had insulted him again and it was beginning to hurt. Sam was on his lap worriedly. He snuggled and purred into his owner's chest trying to make him better. His owner smiled at him bittersweetly.

That night, they went to bed as usual. However, the cat was catnapped in the night and America had woken to an empty room. He got up groggily and found it odd the cat had not woken him up for breakfast yet or even at some ungodly time as cats do.

"Sam?" he asked and he looked around

"Sam?" He said checking in the hallway and in the bathroom

"Sam?" He said checking the other rooms

There wasn't a single trace of the cat anywhere and America was starting to hyperventilate. He tried to breathe but he couldn't. He was already so hurt and it was unlike Sam to just disappear like this. He needed the last constant thing in his life. Eventually, he passed out because he could not control his breathing. When he woke up he would scream his throat raw in hysteria.

A/N-Unfortunately, I am still alive but have an update. I'm gonna go procrastinate and maybe update more stories because I don't wanna do my schoolwork that much.

Au Revoir!

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