chapTer 10

141 8 17

Despite the efforts of the hospital staff, America did not make it. He started crumbling before starting to melt into something reminiscent of glowstick juice. Canada immediately starts crying heartbroken at losing his brother yet again. The states that were present soon to join him. They huddled together trying to comfort each other. Russia was a bit teary-eyed but he otherwise didn't react at all. This lasted quite a while as no one wished to disturb the weeping states and country. Though, they had all fifty states so he could be reformed but hey. Who's thinking logically?

Germany got there with the states he brought with him. When he got there he was met by sad almost pitying expressions. He didn't realize what this could mean until he made it to America's room. Inside there was a large huddle of states all crying together in a pile. Canada somewhere buried underneath. Russia just gave him a look that explained what happened.

Germany, was yet again, too late to save America. He clenched his fist as he thought about how he failed again. He couldn't seem to save America no matter what he did. Last time, he had saved France but wasn't there in time for America. He felt like crap then so you can imagine what he would be feeling now.

The states that traveled here with him teared up seeing their father dead and were soon to join their siblings in the huddle pile. Germany and Russia standing silently by the door watching the states cry together along with Canada.

Eventually, they get up and decide it's time to go home as there is nothing here for them anymore and visiting hours are almost over. So, everyone got in their respective car and eventually, they got back to America's house.

When they got back, the states all curled together. Canada sat on the couch like he just went through hell and back. Britain was sipping tea silently grieving. You could see it in his eyes. Frace was balling. She was always a bit emotional. Still, it seems that no one was thinking logically. Even the lesser affected ones of Russia and Germany who were giving the family space.

The world seemed to come to halt as the family grieved over the loss of their son/father/brother. Seemingly nothing could burst the bubble. But, as you will learn that is to good to be true. Russia finally excused himself as he felt uncomfortable with the atmosphere as he wasn't at all close to America. Germany also excused himself to his self-proclaimed lab where he stored his untested cure with a heavy heart. He looked at the candle glinting darkly from its box. He wanted to sneer at it. Of course, in everyone's haze, they didn't see a state start to shiver. This state had started to feel an uncomfortable chill. At first, they thought it was just the surrounding depression but soon the chill cut through them more than it did initially and they hugged themselves teeth clattering.

This state eventually felt the familiar chill of neon color enter their system and they know. They know that somehow they have been affected by the disease again. They let go of the closest sibling and whip their heads to the side puking out their guts. The cold feeling was now against their lips as well as whatever they ate that day. It was an unpleasant feeling.

The chill came again and they shivered uncontrollably not noticing the world around them. They were to lost in their world of dizziness and cold.

If they were paying attention, they would see the other 49 states desperately trying to get them to respond. They had just lost their father they didn't want to lose another. Not this soon. The state was once again glowing the neon color they had just been cured of. Their puke was glowing but there was also a hint of something else in the original color. It was a lot lighter than what one would expect.

The room also seemed to be just that much colder. The one-state was freezing and for some reason, the room temperature seemed to drop. The other states were too worried to notice anything. Russia couldn't feel the difference as he comes from a very cold place. Germany thought it was just his 'lab' and Canada had long gone into a state of shock in the corner where no one bothered him.

They again gagged out the same chilling substance as before not caring what it got on as they had lost touch with the world. They were cold. So cold. It was like they grew up cold being the only thing they had ever felt in their life. Happiness and hope seemed to eject out with the chilling substance. Laughter was thrown out the window as cold filled every bit of feeling. They didn't exactly feel sad. No, they felt empty and void of all emotion in a way that was foreign to the usually happy state who enjoyed the cold almost as much as it's sunny days.

A blackness started closing in on them at a snail's pace. Not that they could see with the world spinning so much in front of them. They were so dizzy. It was disorientating. They couldn't see the worried expressions lining the face of their fellow states. The darkness was like an ink stain on a piece of paper spreading in dark tendrils across their vision.

The finally darkness crept in and they started to fall over, the world shifting uncomfortably. They fell over and lay in their mess of neon puke and whatever they had eaten earlier. When this happened, someone, something, or multiple people scream.


A/N- Sorry I haven't updated... I haven't felt passion for this story but with a lot of snow on top of even more snow and the district low key refusing to give us days off before finally relenting I felt the urge to update this story so I guess you're lucky.

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