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Canada was pacing worriedly. If he keeps going any longer he might wear down the carpet. Germany was sitting next to America making sure he wasn't well dead.

They soon heard sirens and Canada opened the door to see the Ambulance has arrived. They quickly get out and rush into the house. They find America and place his on the stretcher. They slightly widen their eyes at what they see. They've never seen anything like this before.

Canada gets into the ambulance because he's family, leaving Germany back at the house. Welp, guess he's driving.

Before then though, he pulls on his gloves so he doesn't get the disease and starts looking for the candle.


He heads to the attic as that's the only place he hasn't checked yet. He opens the door and crawls in. He sees a few boxes. He goes through the first one.

It's full of pictures. Old and new, each one showing the F.A.C.E family (France, America, Canada, England).

He chuckles at a picture of baby America. He was so gonna blackmail him when he's not dying.

He moves on to the next box. It's slightly bigger than the rest.

Germany widens his eyes. It's entirely filled with sunglasses. Just all sunglasses. He closes the box slowly and moves on.

The next one is full of old textbooks and papers. Germany moves on fairly quickly.

The next one was full of notebooks. Germany grabs one and reads about a crush America had a while ago.

He smiles at how happy the country seems. He puts that one back and reads another one. It details that America had given up on love.

He puts it back and glances at the final box. It's smaller than the rest. He opens it and sees a few different things.

One, it a very beautifully carved candle that glows neon. He carefully grabs it and looks in the box. Inside of the box is a single Camomile. Germany briefly wonders why he would have a Camomile of all things.

He carefully placed the candle in a box he designed after the flower. It would hold the object and keep it quarantined so you could see it but not be affected by it.

He places the box down and takes off his gloves. Guess he should go check on the two.

Germany gets in his car and starts driving to the hospital. Huh, this feels a bit familiar.

Let's hope that America isn't dead. Last time was a nightmare. Plus, Canada's sanity would probably take a hit. He really cares about his brother. Especially, after the paleness last year.

Huh, maybe someone should inform the rest of the F.A.C.E family. They might care that their son is dying.

__________(I make Germany sound like as asshole =<)_____________

Germany gets to the hospital and casually strolls to the front counter.

"Hey, I'm here to see my friend. He was brought in fairly recently." Germany says to the lady at the front desk

"Sure, who you seeing?" The lady asks clearly eyeing Germany.

"America," He says and the lady's face scrunched up

"Oh, that bastard" She mumbled and Germany raised an eyebrow "He's in room 229." She says through her teeth.

Germany looks at her for a second before heading over to room 229. He sees Canada pacing nervously. Welp, guess this is it.

"Hey Nada," Germany says sinking into one of the hallway seats.

"Hey Germs" Canada mumbled looking at the door hoping for some news. Nothing. Just like 5 minutes ago.

The Canadian is pacing again and all Germany does is watch. He fiddles with the syringe in his pocket. Hey, he needs a vial of blood like with the paleness.

The door to Americas room opens and Canada stops midstep and looks at the doctor.

"The good news is. He's not dead. That bad news is that he's dying. "The Doctor said

"Can I see him?" Canada asks still on the same midstep position.

"Yeah, you can," the doctor says almost unsurely

Canada quickly leaves the room. Germany sighs.

"Guess I'll call the others" Germany mutters taking out his phone and dialing France since Britain is usually busy.

"Bonjour, c'est France" France states

" Hey, it's Germany," Germany says

"Oh, Germany. What a pleasant surprise!" France says brightly

"Well, I'm calling about America. He's done something stupid" Germany says

" Oui?" France asks

"Well, you remember the paleness last year. Well, this year he has a version of that illness. " Germany says

"Merde" France mumbles quietly.

"Just thought you would want to know about it," Germany says

"I'll call mom amour and we'll be there shortly," France says

"Yeah, I don't know how long he'll last," Germany says

"We'll be there," France says

"I'm gonna go work on a cure. Take care" Germany says

"À bientôt!" France says before hanging up.

Germany waited because he didn't wanna disturb the brothers.


Canada entered America's room. It was like the paleness all over again. America laying there slowly dying.

This time, he made the room even brighter which, is actually a great achievement.

Canada carefully sits down. He looks at his brother who he knows is dying. He knows America can hear him though.

"Hey, this isn't completely your fault. So don't be blaming yourself for this. You didn't make that candle. I know no matter what I say you'll still blame yourself. Just, stay alive." Canada tears up.


America heard what Canda said. Of course, he did. He still blames himself. He knows he's in the void right now and could easily see his states.

He just doesn't know how to face them. This was all his fault. Everything is always his fault.

Maybe, you dying is for the best. You know no one needs you. Not even your own family.

Yeah, And?

You're so difficult.

You know it. I don't wanna listen to you anymore. See ya.

America sighed and focuses on going to his states.

He opens his eyes and sees his children.

"Hey dad," they all said.

A/n- Hey, another update. Sorry, it's a bit late. I had to perform at a football game so I didn't get home till midnight last night. So, I basically passed out.

Also, I'm learning French so I've been using this as a way to practice. Anything done wrong is because I'm still learning.

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