CHApter 5

201 13 1

There was a knock on the door. It wasn't rough and cruel like you're thinking. It wasn't weak either like the person was unsure of themselves. It was a knock with just enough power behind it to make the perfect sound.

Canada, was in the guest bedroom, probably debating which of the Maple syrup brands are the best, when the knock sounded and he smiled knowing who it was.

He makes his way down the stairs and opens the door. He smiles at the familiar German country.

"Hey Germany, it's nice of you to come." Canada says

"Yeah, I'm quite curious about this new neon illness. Though, we must also find a cure." Germany says

"Of course! Of course! Come on in. I'm using the guest bedroom so you might need to sleep on the couch." Canada says ushering the other country in.

"That's fine. Where is America?" Germany asks

"He's sleeping in his room." Canada says setting Germanys bags by the couch.

"Well, I hope he wakes soon. I have a few questions to ask him" Germany says.

"Yeah" Canada says

"So, how is France doing?" Germany asks

Canada smiles before launching into a explanation of life now for France.


America woke up and immediately regretted it. He had a splitting head ache and his ears were ringing.

Not only that, but both of his arms now throb painfully. His skin glowed in the darkness of his room where he was left asleep unimpeded.

He however, had his eyes closed trying to lessen the pain. If there was a time for him to have flashbacks. It would be now.

He lays there for a moment, trying to a least feel a little less pain. Eventually, the ringing stops, his headache lessons and his arms fade to a dull throb.

He slowly sits up as to not make it worse. He sits there for a second waiting for it to calm down again.

He opens his eyes and squints at the brightish light he soon realizes is his skin. He feels for his sunglasses but finds nothing.

He groans and looks around his room. He see's his sunglasses on the nightstand. He grabs them and halfheartedly shoves them on his face.

He tries to stand up but his legs give way making him fall back in the bed. He now recognizes the throbbing in his legs that was previously ignored.

He waits for the throbbing to get better before attempting to stand again. This time. He wobbly stands on his legs that felt like jelly under his weight.

He wobbles over to the door and puts his weight against it. He shakily grabs the door nob and opens it. He falls forward and barely catches his balance by grabbing the door frame.

He hears talking in the living room. That's strange, isn't Canada the only one here?

America somehow finds his way to the living room. He peers into the room. Though his vision is a bit blurry. He sees his brother talking to Germany. When did he get here?

That is, when life decided to be a b*tch and his legs gave out causing him to fall face first. He hits the ground startling the other two in the room.

"Ow" he muttered into the floor.

"America? Are you okay?" Canada says worryingly

"Just peachy" America grumbles half into the carpet.

"This is even greater than I imagined" Germany says thinking about how cool this new illness was.

"Thanks" America grumbles into the carpet.

"Oh, my bad! I meant this is very interesting." Germany says quickly

"Brother, get up" Canda says

"Can't" America says

"Why not?" Canada asks during his brother.

"My legs hurt like heck" America grumbles

Canada sighs picking up his brother and carefully placing him on the couch. America shakily fixes his sunglasses.

Germany studies the striped country closely. Canada wasn't lying when he said he was neon. It seems that his entire body had already been infected. Half of his flag was also neon. Though it resembled the paleness it spread much differently.
He was slumped down in the couch. His arm lazily draped over the top of the couch, the other at his side. Though, clearly on his arms you could see bandages that stuck out like a sore thumb against the Americans neon blue arms. His legs are sprawled out in no particular way.

Germany had so many questions. Like how exactly did the symptoms start to fester? How did it spread? Where did he find the candle? Where was it now?

"Are you gonna spit it out or just keep staring?" Ameica asks halfheartedly joking.

Germany quickly looks away slightly embarrassed. He might've been thinking a bit too hard.

"So," Canada says trying to make conversation.

"So," America asks looking at his brother. Though, it was hard to see since he was wearing his sunglasses.

"So," Germany says just as speechless as the other two.

They enter an awkward silence. That is until a cracking sound it heard and all attention is immediately on America as he holds his arm painfully.

It starts as a small hairline crack until it starts to widen and a bright neon light breaks through.

Canada is immediately at his brother's side. You can tell that he's freaking out. Germany observes how the crack is forming. This might seem a little bit cold but sometimes to solve a problem you have to learn about it.

America starts grabbing his arm as the cracking stops. He can't see this but color spreads onto the rest of his flag in small curls. What's strange is that each of his 50 stars are glowing a different colors.

That's, when America's vision slowly fades to a neon purple instead of the usual black. He passes out and Canada immediately takes out his phone. He fiddles with it before placing on his ear holding onto his brothers hand. He had tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"911, what's your emergency?" A voice asks

A/n- Hey, bet you weren't expecting this. I usually take a few days longer before bothering to finish the chapter.

Yeah, no puzzle since I decided I don't know what to do for that. Not yet.

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