CHaptER 7

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France basically dragged Britain into the car with no explanation. He was filling out reports or whatever for work when his wife comes in all winded.

Now, he's in a car with his wife driving somewhere.

"Um, do I even get to know where we're going?" Britain finally asks

"Oh, mon amour. C'est America" France says in her native language.(Because I need practice)

"What did he do this time?" Britain asked

"He has another illness like last year. I heard he's dying in the hospital right now." France says

"But, I still have work to do even if my son is dying" Britain stressed

"I might've said your going on vacation for a few days so you don't have work for a few days" France says guiltily

" No....Work? For a few days? Whaat?" Britain says slightly confused

"Mon amour?" France asks

Britain zoned out. He hasn't had a few days of since college. That's a long while.

France raised an eyebrow and glanced at him before focussing on the road.


France and Britain arrive at America's house. The neighbourhood doesn't seem all that bad.

They see America's car sitting there pretty untouched. Other than that it was pretty empty.

"I honestly don't know which Hospital he's in." France says

Britain is still in shock. France side-glances at him. She sighs before texting Canada. She must've broken Britain.

Germany took the window of time, when Canada stepped out to text his mom, to pull out the syringe in his pocket.

He gets some blood from America and notices how it glows like a glow stick. Interesting.

He quickly leaves and goes back to his car. He goes home. The virus is spreading more rapidly than he thought. He needs to make a cure sooner than later.

Some of the more important questions come to mind.

1. Who planted the candle?

2. Who has a grudge against America? No, that's a lot of people. Who is acting on their grudge against America?

3. What did they add or take away to make the new virus?

4. Why did they choose a candle out of every other ordinary object?

5. Why use a carved candle instead of a normal candle?

He should write this all down when he gets back. He should probably start thinking of a way to start problem solving. Cause, this problem could be about more than just a grudge against one country.

France pulls up to the hospital and parks the car. She looks at Britain. She raises an eyebrow and waves her hand in front of his face. He doesn't even blink.

She sighs before getting out and going to the other side of the car. She pulls Britain out and basically drags him in.
He finally snaps out of it when they enter the hospital.

The two then make their way up to room 229 as Canada instructed. They look in and see Canada sitting next to his brother.

They enter the room and holy crap it's so bright. France puts on her sunglasses and Britain is screwed.

"Hey mom, hey dad" Canada says and the other two sit down.


Ameica surveyed his states. They were glowing. Well, duh. But they also had large cracks with light trying to pry its way out. Like the one Ameica had on his arm.

Ameica teared up at the state of his states. This was all his fault. If he didn't touch that stupid candle this wouldn't have happened.

His states of course recognized his distress. This was their father after all.

"Dad? Please don't cry it's not your fault" Mississippi says, and the others agree.

They all knew that sooner or later they might start to disappear. So they have to enjoy it while it lasts.

The states keep trying to convince their father that it isn't technically his fault. They don't seem to be making a dent in his guilt.

Eventually, one by one the states left America alone. Until, only one was left. This was Texas. He was always one of the most resilient and patriotic states.

But, it seems, even the most loyal of states can't crack America's shell. He looks at the others and like them resigns to leaving America to himself.

They have been worrying about their father ever since he first moved in. He started to slowly starve himself. First, it was breakfast. Then, it was lunch. But, then he just stopped eating. Then, he started cutting. Each cut was almost physically painful to witness. Then, the virus started to affect him. He didn't even seem to care that he was dying. And that....

That was bone chilling.

Every state, was together sitting semi-quietly. Until, they hear the familiar sound of crumbling.

They look up. Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Florida, and Arizona have started to crumble.

All the others could do was comfort the states as they crumbled. If this was anything like last time they might just show up somewhere.

The last traces of all five states soon dissapear and the rest are resigned to waiting and seeing.

Russia expected the usual. He would get up, do things for work, then come home and think about vodka until he eventually went to sleep.

He's been trying to stay sober. 'Trying' . So, he's been trying to keep off the alchohol.

He goes down the stairs. What he sees probably shouldn't surprise his as much as it did.

He sees the familiar sight of five small children sleeping peacefully on the couch.

He kinda stares for a bit unsure what to do. He wonders why this has started to happen again.

What did America do this time? If he's dying again he is gonna get no sympathy.

He goes over and checks that they aren't dead and luckily their not. He sighs because this probably means he would have to drive to where America lived and find out what the f*ck.

"Ah sh*t here we go again" Russia says to himself.

A/N- Thanks for reading this crap people insist on reading. This chapter is a little bit later than my loose updateish schedule.

This is probably one of the worse chapters but people are still gonna read my stuff.

Yeah, I've got the next chapter planned so I just have to write it. I'll see you then.

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