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Hey, so...I know people really like this story and would like to see an update.

Some of you were probably excited when you saw the update but just found out it was this. I'm sorry.

Many, probably forgot of this stories existence like I often do and don't care either way.

A few, probably saw the title of this chapter and didn't even read it. That's understandable, I've done it too.

This story was more popular, but that's because it was leaching off a beautiful work of art. I tried to update it for you guys, but...

After I wrote the prologue, it started to feel more and more like a chore. Each chapter was so hard for me to write because I just had no passion in it.

Writing this story was so hard because the inspiration that gives you stories worth reading just wasn't there. I tried so hard, but I know I can't keep guilt tripping myself by keeping people waiting for what will never come.

The real problem arose when I first got into Hetalia, all my other Countryhuman stories screeched to a halt and I had inspiration. The overwhelming need to write out my ideas.

A need so large I did the most hypocritical thing I could manage, I made a one-shot book. I hate one-shot books and don't like to read them very much, yet I made my own.

So, I'm sorry. I just can't do this anymore. Maybe, this will eliminate the guilt I feel for not updating. Ever.

And to those that wanted to see more, well. Go read some one else's stories. They will be so much better than this dry husk of a story.

I bid you adieu and wish all of you a good day/night/afternoon/morning.

Neon (COUNTRY HUMANS)(Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now