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warnings: fluff

plot: You surprise Billie after not seeing her for a month


I was planning to surprise Billie we haven't seen each other in a month due to her tour and I was busy with work and couldn't join her

I texted Maggie so she could help me get in and have no one say a word to Billie that I was here

I pull up to the venue being greeted by maggie and Patrick

Only our family knew about Billie and I's relationship the public thinks we're friends lol little do they know

I see Billie step out her tour bus sucking on a lollipop like always with a kind of mad expression on her face she looked sad and mad at the same time which confused you on how she had two expressions at once but whatever

I sneak up behind her

"What's with the sour look O'Connell," I say making Billie jump slightly whipping around to see who was talking and her eyes immediately light up

"Y/n!!!!" she yells pulling you into a bone-crushing hug which you return of course

"Hi baby," you say looking at her making her practically melt on sight at the pet name

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming I would have shaved if I knew you were-" she said but I cut her off

"MHM OKAY" I yell awkwardly as you watch fans pull out their phones to record your interaction

"what?" she asked

and you point at the fans pointing cameras your way from behind a gate

she made and 'o' shape with her mouth nodding

"let go inside I got soundcheck then a meet and greet, she said grabbing your hand leading you inside


I lied on my back on the cold hard stage feeling a whole body vibrate as the beat to bitches broken hearts start playing

You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh what a shame I'm not there
You can pretend you don't miss me (me)
You can pretend you don't care
All you wanna do is kiss me (me)
Oh what a shame I'm not there

I hum along to the song and close my eyes until I feel a weight on my lap I open my eye to see Billie smiling down at me singing

"You gotta sing with me mama this is your favorite song," she said

"I can't sing NOPE" I replied trying to wiggle from under her but no luck

"sing," she said pointing the mic at me

I sigh rolling my eyes but I sing anyways

Everybody knows
You and I are suicide and stolen art
Pretty mamas sew
Stitches into all your bitches broken hearts

I sing and eventually, Billie joins in and the song ends

"I missed you, mamas, she said leaning down getting closer to my face

"I missed you more princess, I say propping myself up on my elbows giving her kisses all over her face making her giggle like a child

"I love you, she says in a sing-song voice

"I love you too"


was this good Idk I kept having a daydream like this so I decided to write it lol

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 (BILLIE EILISH)  (✔)Where stories live. Discover now